Chapter 26: A night with Seo-Woo

Start from the beginning

I didn't know how to react so I cried harder and ran out to the terrace. Just as I was trying to get used to the cold air, a warm body welcomed me. I could easily recognise this scent. It was Chanyeol back hugging me.

He whispered in my ear, "I don't know what is it, but it's all going to be alright."

I didn't know how to control myself. I turned around hugging him tightly and he gently patted my back.

After a quick session of crying and comforting, we went inside. Just as we entered the living space my eyes widened to see blood on Chanyeol's shirt.

"What is this? Are you hurt?" I asked while my eyes were fixed to his collar where I could see fresh blood stains.

"What? No, I'm okay?" He said and then he saw his shirt he looked towards me confused just when I hissed with pain.

"Ouch," I said while loosening my left shoulder.

"Rosé, what did you do? Where's the first aid kit?" He asked panicked. I looked at him puzzled.
'Why is the guy having blood stains on his shirt screaming at me?'

I followed his panicked gaze on my left shoulder to find a splinter of glass pierced through my skin.

He brought the first aid kit and cleaned my wound. All the time when he's applying calming lotion and bandage, I tried not to hiss with pain. He wasn't asking anything and the silence was eating me up.

"Well, when will you tell me what's going on? Why don't you discuss it with me? Don't you trust me enough? Why are you making me worry all by myself?" He said calmly will bandaging my wound.

It was the first time, he was being calm while he's angry. It was scarier than his violent side.

"I want to tell and show you only good things, i want—" he cut me off halfway.

"Am I your kid?" He asked flustered.

"Do you think it's easy for me?" I asked.

"The people you love want to share your burden with you. You only disappoint them by hiding it from them." He said holding my hand while drawing circles on my palm with his thumb.

"Chan, I'll tell you once I'm ready. Just give me sometime," I asked while entwining our fingers.

"Take your time, but tell me before it's too late." He said and I nodded engulfing his big body in a hug. And then his body stiffened. I broke the hug to follow his gaze to find the window glass broken.

"Must be the wind, you know how strong the storm was. I'll go clean it." I said just when stomach grumbled. What a timing! I can't be more embarrassed.

"I think someone is hungry? I'll clean it." He said jokingly.

"Can we please order pizza?" I asked.

He nodded and ordered pizza for us. Just as the pizza arrived and I was about to take my first bite someone knocked at the door.

"Are you expecting someone?" I asked Chanyeol and he shook his head in no. "Go check, I'm hungry," I said while taking a bite.

He stood me up and I looked at him befuddled.
"Come with me or else there won't be a single slice left till I come back."

I huffed at his over exaggerated statement and followed him to the door. As we opened it, Seo-Woo (Yoona's daughter) ran to me.

"She wants to be with you guys. I'm leaving her with you." Yoona unnie said and left.

"Why does she do this every time?" Chanyeol whined while closing the door and I glared him.

"Let's go. Pizza is waiting." I bent down to her level and picked her up running towards the kitchen.

"Pizza yayy!" Seo-Woo chuckled.

We were eating while Seo-Woo kept nagging about her mom and how she didn't let her eat ice cream. She's such a bossy kid. When I saw Chanyeol taking the last piece of pizza, I glared at him.

He left the last piece back and I took it and placed in Seo-Woo's plate earning a frown from Chanyeol but I ignored him and listened to the entire rant session of baby boss.

After eating we sat on the couch to watch 'Tangled'. Seo-Woo was talking to Chanyeol about how she liked Flynn while he just nodded his head and kept using his phone.

I snatched his phone away and said,
"Watch it with us. No work when family is around," He sighed and threw his hands in defeat and watched the movie with us while singing a few songs with Seo-Woo that took me off guard.

"She watched this with me like a hundred times." He said at the end of movie with a smile plastered at his face.

"Uncle," Seo-woo went near him and showed him her pleading eyes. Without asking her request he said no and she started crying.

I placed her in my lap and stroke her hair slightly,
"What does this little kid want?" I asked.

"Ice cream," she whispered sobbing.

"Can we please get ice cream," I asked Chanyeol.He shook his head but after a few couple of minutes of our conjoint pleading he agreed.

As we were making way to the car, Chanyeol said,
"We don't have the Children safety chair."

"It's okay. She'll sit with me in the passenger seat." I told him and he nodded making his way to the driving seat.

As we reached the ice cream parlour, I asked them to get my ice cream since I felt tired because of the long day I had. I decided to wait for them in the car.

Chanyeol's P.O.V.

Except of a few things, my day was perfect. The way Rosé listened to Seo-woo, the way she watched cartoons with her and most of all the way she let her have the last slice of pizza made me feel that Rosé will be a cool mom. I can't keep my thoughts of Rosé around her kids aside. I smiled at my stupid thoughts.

After a good session of pleading, I agreed to take them to an ice cream parlour. Rosé was tired so we left her in the car to get ice creams.

Just as I paid for ice creams, I heard a loud BANG!

With all the negative thoughts for today suddenly rushing in my mind and bad intuition, I ran outside with Seo-Woo in my arms. Witnessing the scene all my muscles felt numb and ice cream dropped.

My car was crashed by a truck. And all I could think was about HER.

Bringing me out of my trance was Seo-woo who yelled,
"Aunt Rosiee.." and then she started weeping.

(A/N: Hope you enjoy the update. What do you think where is the story heading to?

I'm so obsessed with Baekhyun's Bambi and Cry for love. Have you listened to his new album?)

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