Snickering and chattering of the seven boys bounced off the walls of the walls of the Room of Requirement, the teenagers enjoying their time while they awaited a certain boy. If you looked at them now, you couldn't imagine these boys would one day be assisting in creating the biggest dark era the wizarding world would ever see, an era they would would be oh, so desperate to get out of. So desperate they would send a girl into the past— their present, in order to fix things. Currently, they were simple teenaged boys, enjoying their magical lives in Hogwarts.

Avery chuckled as Malfoy wacked Lestrange over the head for no apparent reason, causing Lestrange to unknowingly kick Nott besides him, who looked deep in thought, only earning him another wack from the dimpled boy. Rosier shook his head from besides Avery, sharing an amused look with Mulciber and Dolohov. Before Lestrange could say anything against Malfoy, the door to the Room of Requirement opened, revealing Riddle gracefully coming in.

   He, as usual, sat down in his seat in front of the fire, at a distance, and between the other boys. Although, the others switched about their seats regularly, Tom sat in one place, a comfortable dark green arm chair with a velvet fabric that shinmered underneath the green light of the fireplace. It gave the boy a sense of authority and power, one reason he was in disdain when a specific girl decided sitting in his seat in the Slytherin common room.

   Once Tom had sat down, the boys continued their conversation, that didn't go any place in particular, allowing the raven haired boy to focus on his book. At the moment, he was researching the symbol that was discovered a few weeks ago. He was sure he could find something in the book currently in his hands, an old book of dark brown leather, the binding having grown frail with time, therefore, extreme caution was needed while handling it.

"I was thinking..." Nott began, expressing the thoughts that he was pondering over before Lestrange oh, so graciously kicked him. "Won't it be nice after we take over this school?"

Malfoy tutted, shaking his head. "What feeble thoughts you have, Nott." He scolded. "You should think much bigger than that."

Raising an eyebrow, Nott gave Malfoy a look. "You mean as big as your head?" He retorted.

Abraxas scowled. "I was thinking more along the lines of world domination."

A Cheshire like grin took over Tom's lips at the mention of world domination. "I see Malfoy gets it." He said, causing a prideful look to gleam in the blonde's eyes. Abraxas Malfoy was one of Tom's most trusted and oldest followers. It was Abraxas who had approached Tom on the first day of his first year.

It had been just a while after everyone was sorted, and Malfoy noticed how quiet Tom was. Initially, Abraxas had planned to tease the boy, but after Tom fired back just as equally, it was quite obvious Riddle was more than he let on. Soon enough, through Abraxas' good relations with the other pure blood families, Tom managed to recruit Reinhard Lestrange, Ambrose Nott, EmlynAvery, Evan Rosier, Nicholas Mulciber and Antonin Dolohov.

The conversation between the boys went on while Tom continued reading.

"So, how's that thing with Zabini going on?" Lestrange asked Malfoy, who glowered at the boy. It was no secret between the Knight's of Wulpurgis that Abraxas was quite the charmer among the girls, but there were some girls he just couldn't get. Cara Zabini being one of them. "Don't tell me it ended the same as it did with Grahamm."

"Wha' happened with Grahamm?" Dolohov questioned curiously, clearly, the group wasn't aware of the encounter.

Lestrange snickered. "Straight out ignored him. Lad practically strutted to her with his all mighty self and she stood up his hand."

"Seems like she already saw through ya, Malfoy." Nott chuckled.

Rosier nudged Avery with his elbow. "Or maybe she mistook those litres of gel for grease." The group roared with laughter, causing Malfoy to scowl and mutter a few curses before subconsciously running a hand through his gelled hair. He was very sensitive about it.

"She's got quite the bite in her, that's for one." Mulciber said. "Saw her defending that filthy Ravenclaw mudblood the other day. What's her name? Warrens? Yeah."

"Yeah, heard she scared off those pathetic Gryffindors." Malfoy said, rolling his eyes.

Avery scoffed. "Brave their supposed to be." He mocked. "Can't even stand up in front of a girl."

"She's something alright, should've seen her dueling Riddle." Everyone cautiously peered over at Tom at Rosier's words, they were careful when mentioning her, knowing very well the distaste their lord had regarding the girl.

"She's skilled, yes, but not more than I am." Tom stated. It would be foolish of him to deny her capabilities. Her magic possessed strength, one, that for the first time, would be a challenge to him, but not a threat.

Narrowing his eyes, Tom focused on the book before him, a specific symbol catching his eye.

The symbol of Avalon is known to be from the myth of Avalon Island told by muggles. In medieval times, this symbol was feared by old witches and wizards due to the myth. It was believed that witches and wizards that carried this mark lurked through the night with purpose to avenge their dead leader that was a dark wizard killed by an unknown person. Witches and wizards with this mark were known to weild great magic that only their victims witnessed.

Thousands of years have passed, and this mark has never been seen on anyone, leading many to believe it was an old folk tale muggle parents told to heir children to keep their children from exploring out into the night.

Tom's finger traced the symbol Cerys carried on her neck, a deep frown forming between his eyebrows as he thought.

I hope you're liking the book so far!

- S. Hamilton xx

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