All alone - Eivor x Hytham x Basim x Reader

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(This was requested by none other than myself, because I absolutely love doing this sort of stories with all my heart. And, because I need more modern!reader meets these three handsome men. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this little story I came up with. Oh, and the song kinda goes with the writing if you wanna listen to it while you read :)

It's been 3 months. Three months since you had arrived to Ravensthorpe. If it hadn't been for Eivor who found you, you most definitely would have been killed or sold to become a slave. As if you would ever let that happen.

Even if you're not a full fledged Assassin there was no way you would back down from a fight. Yeah, you didn't really pass the last test, which was the leap of faith. It's not like it was your fault, you even told your parents that you weren't ready yet. But did they listen, no, they didn't and you still ended up having to go to the ceremony.

And on your way to the top you might've gotten a little nervous and may or may not have puked near (more like on) the mentors shoes.

(But, once again, you did try to warn them.)

The only good thing about that was that afterwards you got a bowl of just made beans with bread and some cheese.

Anyways, those were good times. Not the constipation from said beans, but being with your parents. They weren't always able to stay home. Many times you would hear their voices and would rush to at least say goodbye before they once again had to go away to complete a mission assigned from the higher ups.

Other times you wouldn't see them for days. Which was more than fine by you. Understanding that it was something they had to do. You never minded being alone. You didn't get upset or argued on why. Instead, you would try to help around the house in your own way.

Just tiny things you thought your parents wouldn't notice. But, of course they did, they're assassins for a reason after all. And they had always shown how greatful they were in their owns ways as well.

Though, it was a different story when it was night, and you would either turn all the lights on or would run to your destination as fast as you could. Cause everything at night in the dark looks like a scary movie.

But, that doesn't really explain the how does it?

Well, it started after your grandma sadly passed away. Long story short in her will she gave you some of her most prized possessions. You initially thought it would be a prank, yeah she was like that. But, nope, she left you a whole ass chest. And I'm talking ancient looking chest, strange carvings and all. You wouldn't have been surprised if it came from the time of when Noah built the arc.

It was covered in dust and cobweds. As you backed away from the chest, a look of disgust made it's way on to your face. If you spotted anything moving you would definitely scream bloody murder. Alright, not like that but close. After all your mother had always said that they were probably more scared of you than you were of them.

When all of a sudden you heard what sounded like thousands of voices, merged together. They sounded old, worn down, some in were even in a language you couldn't understand. Yet, beneath all that there was a lingering feeling of wisdom and pride.

It compelled you. You could feel yourself getting pulled closer and closer to the chest. There were even more whispers, they were starting to become louder.


The voices no longer echoed instead you could hear them from behind you. They spoke of promises, of want, anger, and so much more.

(A/N: Ah, yes, the good old 'grandma had always seemed strange when in reality she knew more than she let on and she also has to die, cause plot is needed.' Am I roasting my own story yes, yes I am, and there's nothing wrong with that cause I find it amusing as hell and I actually enjoy doing so. Anyways, that's it for now, my brain is goop at the moment. Soon the story will unravel and the reader will meet the assassins. Until then, I'll see you squishes later!!!)

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