"Hey your ok alright" natasha said and the girl nodded. They all walked into the med bay natasha tried to sit the girl on the bed but she just kept holding tighter to her suit with her little baby hands. Natasha then realize she wouldn't let go so he sat on the bed with the girl sitting on her lap. Soon everyone in the tower heard about natasha bringing a toddler to the tower. (Which include wanda,Sam, vision, Bruce and bucky)

Tony tried to grab the girls hand to check her out but she immediately pulled away

"Hey sweet girl he's not gonna hurt you he's gonna make sure you ok alright" natasha said. The girl nodded her head no. Wanda noticed the little girls trust to natasha so she thinks the girls just afraid of men so wanda walked over to the bed and sat by natasha.

"Hey sugar can I check you out?" Wanda asked the child nodded and held out her little hand for wanda. Wanda smiled but she had no idea what she was doing so she looked at tony for help and he explained everything to her.

"Ok Sam so I have no baby clothes so can you go shopping for me?" Natasha asked while the girl was still getting checked out.

"Yeah but what all do I get?" He asked confused. He had never had to go baby shopping. Natasha sighed and wrote down a long list. 'DON'T FORGET ANYTHING' was wrote on the bottom of the paper which made Sam chuckle and walk out the room dragging bucky with him.

Wanda finally finished checking the girl out with tony's help and placed a kiss on her chubby little hand which made the girl giggle.

"So what's her name?" Wanda hand still placing kisses on her hand to keep the toddler laughing.

"We don't know I don't think she has one" nat replied

"Omg we should name her...how about jade that's a cute name right?" Wanda asked. Natasha nodded so did the girl which made them both laugh.

"You like the name jade my sweet girl?" Nat asked and she replied with what she guessed sounded like a yes. Which made everyone in the room laugh.

Sam eventually came back with lots of bags and dramatically dropped them on the floor of the med bay.

"I got everything you asked for and a little extra because I never knew baby clothing was so fucking cute" he said.

"LANUGAGE" every in the room yelled "it's a baby in the room Wilson" bucky said. Sam just left the room.

Natasha grabbed some bags but she couldn't grab all because she was still holding jade so she looked at wanda for help and that both walked to natasha room.

Once they enter natasha room wanda sat on the bed and begin unloading the bags. When Sam said he got extra stuff he wasn't lying so many clothes and pj's.

"Ok I'm gonna make her a bath do you mind holding her?" Natasha asked wanda nodded her head and held the little girl in the arms.

Natasha looked through the bags and found baby soap and wash cloth. She started the bath and added lots a bubbles but not too much she seen Sam brought bath toys so she also added those.

She walked back into her room and picked jade up and took off all her clothes and sat her in the tub. Jade Begin to play with all the toys and the bubbles which made natasha smile.

"You would be a good mother you know" wanda whispered

"Yeah I think so too" natasha replied

After a couple minutes of jade playing natasha grabbed a separate bowl and started washing jades hair which made jade start to cry. After natasha finish washing jades hair. Natasha stared cleaning jade with the wash cloth and baby soap which made jade smell like vanilla.

Once the bath was finish natasha walked back Into the room and sat jade down on her bed with her duck towel. Natasha picked out a cute pink unicorn pants and shirt pj's set. Natasha used the new baby lotion on jades whole body and put her new PJs on. Natasha put two braids in her curly hair.

"Ok so what do we do now?" Natasha asked wanda.

"She might be starving hydra is horrible we need to give her food" wanda said. Natasha completely forgot about feeding jade. Jade looked up at her and stretched her arms out so natasha can pick her up which natasha did.

All three of them walked to the kitchen to see the team eating dinner.

"So what are we eating?" wanda asked vision giving him a kiss on the cheek

"Spaghetti and meatballs with salad and red wine" vision announced they both nodded.

Natasha made a plate for her and sat it down and then grabbed a smaller plate and made jades plate and added strawberries to the side and a juice cup sam brought. (Still holding jade on her hip)

She sat down with jade in her lap. 'open your mouth sweet girl' natasha said and feed the food to jade. Pretty much jade had 2 plates of food. Everyone felt bad because that proved hydra did not feed her.

After dinner everyone's said good night and natasha walked back to her room she lays jade on the bed while she does her nigh time routine but jade cries so natasha has no choice but to bring her to the bathroom. After natasha was finished she lays jade in the bed next to her and starts singing her a Russian lullaby which put jade to sleep fast. And was cuddled to natasha side.

Natasha was tired..no natasha was exhausted she didn't know that a simple missions would turn her to a mother to a child who obviously has attachment issues. And lots a problem no 2 year old should go through.(tony did test to determine her age)
But natasha was happy she found jade.

Natasha knows she only spent one day with jade but she already know she would kill anybody to protect her.

Natasha soon fell asleep next to her now daughter.


Ok to whoever is reading this thanks for reading umm I had a lot of hesitation to publish this book idk why but please don't judge I'm only 13 so yeah:) um it's not enough momma nat story's so I decided to make one myself anyways hopefully you enjoyed:)

(This is jade just imagine she has hazel green eyes)

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