Lesson 1

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"OI! Y/N!" I hear from the next room over "WHAT TOM?!" I yell back to my annoying brother, "IT SEEMS I'VE GOT YOU A BOYFRIEND" I hear him yel. I get up and walk to his room. I hear yelling through his headset. "Huh? What is it?" then he swings around his chair " you know that guitar that aunt Julie got for you for Christmas?" "The one that I can't even play?" I chuckle "Weeeeell I have someone that might be interested in teaching you..." he's looking super mistiviosly " who?" "My friend Wilbur he's only 24... you being 22 and all" the yelling through the headset gets louder " he would be happy to teach you..." "sounds... good!" I say shyly "Great..." he turns back around " here that big man Wilbur, she would love you to teach her..."

A few weeks later I wake up to a reminder on my phone Wilbur guitar lessons 😏... Tommy. I get up and throw on a pair of baggy ripped jeans and an oversized hoodie, I brush out my hair and put it in a braid, I rush out the door and look at my phone, I scroll through to find a text from Tommy with wilburs address attached. I get in my car and put it into the nav. After about an hour I arrived at my destination, I text Wilbur 


Hi I'm here

Okay I'll be down in a bit

After that Wilbur took me up to his apartment " Okay so do you even know any thing about guitar?" He asks me "No, my aunt just got it for me and I have no idea why." I chuckled "Well that's kinda stupid," "I think she just found it in her attic and gave it to me! I mean she gave Tommy a sketchbook for god sake!" I exclaimed, Wilbur started laughing, his laugh was so cute! Wait no... anyway we sat there for a bit and he taught me some simple cords. After a while we started to get a bit flirty... I think I might be crushing...


A/n yess I will be continuing school camp I am almost finished with the next chapter! Hope y'all enjoy this as well

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