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At the JS prom, out of insecurity and anger, Marcus makes a way to embarrass his half- brother by supposedly shooting him with a water gun but he accidentally hit their high school principal.

Therefore, she made those two men feel accountable by saying to them that she want to talk to their parents on Monday. She declared that the JS prom was over due to her upset on the incident between Marcus and Gabriel.

2 days later, Jeffrey, his childhood friend Martina, Thomas, and Laura was sent to the school for a conference with the principal regarding the incident during the JS prom during dismissal. As the conference ends, she suspends Marcus and Gabriel from classes for one week.

After they got suspended from school, at nighttime, Marcus blamed all to Gabriel for the incident that happened in the prom and for all the troubles that they faced. They fought and fought.. until they fell into the pool of their house. He even intenionally drowned Gabriel in the pool. Finally, Laura, Thomas, and their helper had witnessed another incident between Marcus and Gabriel. So, Thomas pulled out his son, Marcus and their helper on the other hand.. pulled Gabriel out of the pool. The confrontation among Laura, Thomas, their helper, Marcus, and Gabriel had just happened.

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