"Fine" I defeated with a huff,

"Good girl" he said "I've got to get back to work but I'll see you when I get home ok?" He asked but I didn't reply as I simply handed the phone back to Hailey. I wasn't going that easily, but Will didn't need to know that, did he?

Whilst Hailey had her back turned I snuck in to her car, grabbing her keys from her disregarded bag on the passenger seat and locked myself in. She didn't realise until she hung up from Will and turned around, the look of disbelief and shock plastered across her face,

"Gracelyn Halstead you open this door right now" she ordered but I simply ignored her and shook my head, "I'm warning you Gracie" she said with a threatening expression,

"You're not in charge of me!" I shouted, I was gonna be in trouble anyway so may as well make it worth while. She disappeared and went to sit on a bench that was just up the sidewalk. 'Wow' I thought. That was easier than I thought it would be.

It had been about fifteen minutes of just sitting in Haileys car before I saw another car pull up at the other side of the road and a furious looking Jay get out of it. Hailey must have called him. Great.

"Get out of the car" Jay ordered as he put his hands on the roof next to my window.

"No" I said for the thousandth time today "I'm not getting out until Will takes me to the park" I explained as I avoided looking at my brother, knowing that if I did my anger would crumble in to fear. Not that I thought Jay would hurt me or anything, but he did sound pretty mad,

"After this it'll be weeks before we take you there" Jay informed making me whine, "now I'm not gonna ask you again Gracelyn" he warned "Get out" He instructed with a stern expression. Tears were now running down my face at the realisation of what I had done hit me. I can't get out now! I'll be in so much trouble! Before I had time to think, a second car pulled up behind Jay's car and Adam got out of it and walked towards my brother and handed him something. 'Spare keys?!' I thought alarmed,

"Are you gonna do yourself a favour and unlock the car yourself or am I gonna have to do it?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. I was gonna be forced to get out either way so I may as well put up a fight. I defiantly crossed my arms across my chest and deepened my frown. Jay had obviously taken this as my answer as he unlocked the car with the spare key, "seriously" he said as he lifted me out of the car before firmly grabbing my upper arm, "apologise to Hailey for your behaviour" he instructed firmly,

"Why should I?" I spat back with a scowl,

"Because if you don't, I'm gonna put you over my knee in the back of the car" he threatened causing my eyes to widen in fear and embarrassment "now apologise" he instructed once again.

"Sorry Hailey" I said quietly whilst staring at my feet, I felt a sharp smack on my butt,

"Try again, and this time look at her when your talking" he advised,

"Sorry Hailey" I repeated once again, only this time louder and to her face,

"I forgive you Gracie" Hailey assured,

"Get your ass in the car" Jay ordered as he pushed me in the direction of his car.

The drive to the precinct was silent. The only noise that dared to break it was the sound of passing traffic. Once we arrived back at the district Jay lead me inside and up the stairs where Kim promptly flipped the whiteboard round so I wouldn't see what was on it. Jay walked me to the break room and instructed me to sit down,

"Stay in here until I come get you to go home" he instructed "you don't leave this room without asking, do you understand me?" He asked, clearly expecting a verbal answer,

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