A very glee Christmas

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The glee kids had been fooling around for a while as they hung decorations in their tree and sang Christmas songs together. They were having fun and laughing and goofing off when Mr. Schue walked into the room, frowning a bit when he saw the rather fancy decorations his kids were putting up.

"Hey, guys." The teacher said, as everyone turned to look at him. "What's this?"

"We're trying to get into the Christmas spirit, Mr. Schue." Finn smiled, almost giddly in spite of his bad mood over the past few days over Rachel. "Christmas is totally my favorite holiday. And check out this awesome tree. I found it on the side of the road. It must have fell off some guy's car."

"And the ornaments?"

"The guy who lives next door finally killed off his elderly mother." Santana shrugged as if it was nothing. Winnie frowned for a second, suddenly feeling rather weird about holding an ornament from a dead person. "When they carted him off, they left the house wide open. I think she was a holiday hoarder."

"And the presents?"

"I lifted them from a display at the mall." Puck said. "But don't worry. They're empty."

"Guys, I appreciate the effort, but this isn't what Christmas is supposed to be like." Mr. Schue said, as Mercedes shook her head.

"For us it is." She argued. "This tree is like a mascot for Glee Club. We won sectionals two years in a row and according to everyone at this school, we still suck."

"Yeah, I got a slushy facial again just this morning." Tina mumbled.

"I'm pretty sure they just added food coloring to real slush from the parking lot." Mike added

"You can eat that, you know." Lauren said, as Winnie shook her head at the weird commentary.

"No." Mr. Schue said then, causing everyone to stop and turn to look at him. "I am not gonna let you guys throw yourselves a pity party. Look, I'm the first one to say that things haven't turned out exactly how I would have liked them to this year. But Christmas is all about being grateful for the things that did."

"I thought that was Thanksgiving." Finn frowned, confused.

"And this year, Glee Club is gonna lend a hand to the McKinney-Vento Homeless Children and Youth Program right here in Lima." The teacher continued.

"How are we gonna do that?" Rachel asked, as Mr. Schue smiled. Winnie sighed - that was a bad sign.

"The only way we know how." The man said. "By singing about it. We're gonna go classroom to classroom, caroling, to raise money for McKinney-Vento."

"Wait." Tina shook her head, clearly scared. "Classrooms in this school with students in them?"

"Well, if there are no students in them there will be no one to put money in the collection box while we sing." Mr. Schue shrugged.

"We're gonna be killed." Quinn mumbled.

"No, guys, it's Christmas, a time for miracles." Finn argued. "We gotta try this."

"Finn's right." Mr. Schue nodded as all the other kids sighed. "So let's start rehearsing. This year, Glee Club's going full Santa."


Caroling to the students had - obviously - not worked out. Winnie could tell that was going to happen. But having a shoe thrown at them? By a teacher no less?

"I guess we're done caroling." Winnie mumbled, as she sat by the piano.

"No, we're not." Finn shook his head, clearly very invested in this Christmas thing. "Guys, we can't let what just happened ruin our Christmas spirit. Mr. Schue got us this beautiful tree to inspire us. We're gonna practice now and gear up for round two tomorrow."

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