Zuhura Leaves

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Early in the morning the family woke up and already her uncle Zuhura had arrived from the city ready to come and judge this case of juvenile delinquency. Mark, after severe punishment, was pardoned and given a warning not to continue his relationship with their daughter, and it was left to Zhura to leave with his uncle for the city to live there.

As soon as the bags were ready for the trip to zuhura, zuhura escaped and ran to his aunt begging to wait for him as he would be back soon and surely their goals must be met as he believes there is no obstacle in their love, which angered their uncle who started snoring. and finding the rods ready to give punishment in front of these two.

The act of the uncle getting only a whip, he began to take very quick steps towards the side where they were zuhura and marko while he was moving upstairs because obviously the anger had already escalated and very angry.

"Trouble, sir, don't get hurt for nothing because of anger, please stop."

She begged her mother to stop in front of her younger brother not to dare to do what she was determined to do this time. Although he was forbidden but he decided to end his anger by moving two strong sticks to Mark and then left his while throwing the stick down and got into the car without talking, his mother and father zuhura grabbed zuhura very strongly and took him to the car and his uncle lit it and The journey to the city began with Zuzhura and Mark left to say goodbye with tears in their eyes.
After zuhura arrived in town his uncle raised him well as he sent him to vocational school, zuhura learned to sew clothes. But the great secret of going through difficult life and suffering remained in him, as zuhura was severely beaten and at times he overcame hunger due to his aunt not loving him at all since he got there. The threats he was given made him even unable to tell his uncle when he returned from work.

The persecution continued for three consecutive years where zuhura had now graduated and started earning a lot of money from clients who loved his service but strangely even the small amount he was earning his aunt was robbing him of everything and squeezing him not to tell anyone then he would kill him, so zuhura he was a man of suffering and crying every now and then as there were times when he was even deprived of food while the baton was his full day's appetite ...

I'm sorry auntie my head hurts a lot since night and I feel very cold even though I'm wearing a sweater and the sun is shining, I beg you to at least 1000 shillings to figure out the problem ".

"Shutuh! Have you ever seen where an orphan lives, Or in your case the landlord pays for the cave? Now I want the barrel to be filled with water and the garden to be wet right now before I tear your ugly face like wild boar's teeth."

He finished his aunt with a tight grip on the face of zuhura whose cheeks were now soaked with tears as he knelt down but it all didn't make his aunt feel sorry for him at all. Despite the fact that zuhura was ill but as he thought of his aunt he strained and began to deal quickly because he was not joking at all when he spoke, all the time it was very sad but he was not the way he was being served even more than in the desert.

Zuhura was only getting thinner as the days went by and her uncle did not see this issue due to the responsibilities that overwhelmed her, one day he said goodbye to his wife that he would travel for three days so he asks her to look after Zhura because they had not succeeded in having a child for all six years of their marriage. My uncle packed his things and left as he had said goodbye but he wandered around the city until noon and returned to his house without notice and as soon as he got home he was certainly shocked by what he had seen at home there.

He closed his eyes and opened his eyes in disbelief at what he had seen in front of him as zuhura the youngest daughter was holding a bucket on her head with her hands holding water-filled marriages, with her eyes full of tears.

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