𝘍𝘢𝘯𝘣𝘰𝘺 |𝘈𝘰𝘪.𝘛

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

After a while of being on Todo's shoulder he finally lets you down to the floor. You turn to look at the line of fans in front of some girl with pigtails.

You've seen this Makada girl or whatever her name was but this....this was just absurd. You see how tall she is and gave her props to that but you weren't too interested in what she had to offer. You turn back to look at the excited fanboy in front of you.

"Okay well imma go stand over there" you start walking to a food stan

"Na ah ah you're staying here" Todo gets in your way pulling you with him to the line. "For the love of god" you huff getting pulled along.

The fans came and went one by one. You getting impatient ,every few minutes you move around. You get on Todo's back a few minutes. A few minutes last you're over his shoulder again and a few minutes more you're in front of him leaning on him.

You're on your phone while leaning on him ,swiping through your feed liking things that seemed appealing to you. Todo would normally push anyone that would come close to him but for some reason he didn't mind having you leaning on him.

He had a light pink hue on his cheeks. He tries to put and arm over you. He hesitated though and ended up not doing it not too sure of what you'd think.

You start to drift off again while leaning on him. You breath in and your nose catches his cologne. A smooth but strong cologne that wasn't too strong on the nose.

'No wonder the others be jealous. You stay smelling good' you think gazing up at Todo. You squirt your eyes a bit trying to decipher his ways of being. You eventually give up shaking your head looking back down at your phone ready to move once again.

You move off of him to try and get back on his shoulder but he slings an arm over you this time with no hesitation. "Stay like this for little longer." He says with a slight curve to his lips.

"Fine but you better carry me when we leave. Out here waking me up to stand in line to see some tree with pigtails"

"Next !!" The security guard yells out towards your side of the line. You two were next up in line. You weren't sure why manses was so excited if he had already met this girl once. Ehh fanboy behavior.

He rushes towards the girl shaking her hand and a hug while you straggle behind looking like death just wanting sleep. "Ohhh heyyyy (y/n)-Chan~ you're so beautiful !! Oh you have beautiful eyes you know." You give her a 'bitch are you serious ?!?' look not wanting to hear much from her.

"Listen Mineta,katata, Dataka. I don't know your name to be honest....Uhhmm guess it was nice meeting you" you give her a bored look bringing out yet another peace sign"


"Someone has some fanboy  !!" Todo yells out walking behind you seeing how every dude in the line cops a look at you.

"Fuck them. I want sleep."

"(Y/n),how cold" Todo clutches his chest faking hurt. "I'm one of your fan boys can I get a smile at least"

You turn to look at him slowly scrunching up your face hearing his words. You two stay still waiting for the other to move. You take the advantage of being in front of him and running for it. If he really meant that he as your fanboy for who knows what reason, he'd do anything to get his idols attention.


"NO GET AWAY FROM ME!!! KING KONG BUILT ASS"  you run straight to the school with Todo gaining behind you. In the far of the school you see Noritoshi making his way down the courtyard of the school.


"Ahh I was on my way to help you. I just got informed."

"You're late asshole" you run towards him, hiding behind him.

"May I ask what is wrong ?" Kamo asks peeling his eyes open seeing the big boy running his way.

"Fanboying" you shutter thinking about it

"You didn't know Aoi was a fanboy of yours ? He admires you. How did you not know ?"  He responds back

"I- since when do you know about this ?"

"I've been knowing." Kamo turns after using his blood manipulation technique on Todo. "He said he admires the way you fight. He also said something about you hair being nice and always looking great"

You queeze a bit taking in all the new information given to you. You take your leave thanking Kamo who had walked you to your room. You go back into bed feeling relieved; after a long ass morning standing in a line then learning you had a fan, you were ready to take your ass back to sleep and sleep through the mission you had .

Sadly that's not how things went. As soon as you get in bed Todo is the first thing you see. He engulf you in a hug squeezing the living shit out of you.

"See (y/n) that wasn't so bad was it. You got to meet Takada and you got to hug me !"

"How the hell did you get here before me ?! Kamo-"

Todo claps changing where th two of you were. You were now where Todo was a few seconds ago and he's now where you were

"Of course. He claps , he switches"

"Sooo another hug ?🥺👉👈 he twiddles with his fingers.

"NORITOSHIII !!" You fly out that room looking for Kamo once again to save you.


𝘼𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨 ~〽️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें