"Great! Now we're even!" He said. I nodded. We played again and Bokuto-san won again, so I took my hoodie off. I felt embarrassed and weird on the inside. Then the next round I won, so Bokuto-senpai took his shirt off and his abs were exposing perfectly.

God, it is tense now because if Bokuto-senpai wins one more round, I will have to take my shirt off. If I win then Bokuto-senpai has to take his pant off which is way too exposing to me.

"S-Senpai...d-don't you t-think w-we should go to bed?" I asked him.

"Hm? Oh! Yeah sure, after this last round," He said, grinning.

"A-Alright," I said. God! Please let this end. I closed my eyes and made a scissor shape with my hand. Then I used 1 eye to peek to see which of the disasters has happened. Bokuto-senpai had the shape of a rock. I lost...oh lord!

"I won!!!" He said, smiling hard! Even though on the outside, my face has the expression of meh, my inside is legit panicking. The 4th day of my body exposed and I have only been with my senpais for 4 days. What a rip-off. I started to slowly take my shirt off and exposing my light blue bra. Bokuto-senpai just stared and started to blush.

"U-Um, I'm gonna go a-and get a-a drink o-of w-water, while that you can lie down," He said, offing the light and heading to the kitchen. Oh, wow! Bokuto-senpai really isn't like the others. I was tensed up for nothing. That was stupid of me. I layed on the bed and let myself relax with relief. But, then, I felt someone jump on the bed and pin me to the bed.

"You thought I would just let you go, aye, Angel?" I heard Bokuto-senpai say.

"H-Hm?" I said I sounded so normal but the inside of me is shivering. Then he went closer to that I could feel his breath. Then I felt his tongue slowly licking my neck and then I felt a little nibble.

"Kenma told us your weakness spot~," he says. Well, he only knows it's my belly button and he doesn't know it's also my privates. But it's still bad that he knows one of em. Then he slowly went down to my belly button.

"S-s-senpai, I don't think-" I wasn't able to finish my emotionless speech. I started to moan softly. I closed my eyes tight and bit my lip hard: He started to snuggle my tummy hard he started to slow down. Soon I started to hear snoring noises.

"Senpai? Are you asleep?" I asked in a soft voice. I just a bigger snore. I think that was a yes. Bokuto- senpai was holding my hips tightly. Luckily my hoodie was near me so I wore it and fell asleep.

Next morning

Today was a Saturday, meaning no school! But, I do want to go back to school, though... I woke up at 7 today and made breakfast. 

"Morning, Momo," I heard my senpai's coo. 

"Good morning, Senpais," I said, washing the dishes.

"So, Momo, who did you like sleeping with the most Momo," Akaashi-senpai asks me. I felt like my body was about to make these spontaneous sounds and movements of my face and body that are my instinctive expressions of lively amusement, also of derision (basically laughing but you don't know that)

"Hm? O-oh...u-uh...let's just say that I had the same experience with all of you," I said. I bit my lips so that feeling won't come out. If I showed that feeling...would it be disrespectful, awkward, stupid, or weird so I tried to keep it in. "All of you have been d-dirty in some way...," I said, showing no emotions. 

"Wait- Akaashi is dirty?!" Kuroo-senpai asked with a surprised look. 

"Kenma is dirty?!" Akaashi-senpai asked also with a surprised look. 

Love? Emotions? Kuroo x OC x Kenma x Akaashi x Bokuto |Yandere| OC 13+Where stories live. Discover now