"oh you're back! hello" he said nervously

"hey, what have you been up to?" i asked

"i've been at the store waiting for them to restock. and guess what...i got the stuff!"

dream finally jumped into the conversation. "when do we get to know what it"

"in a minute," he responded. "how was your surprise george?"

"i absolutely loved it. i'm still in shock"

"did you guys kiss" he said raising an eyebrow with a smirk on his face.

"SAPNAP!" i replied quickly

"just saying....anyways," he trailed off. "you two want to see what i went and got?"

"yeah where is it" dream questions.

"it's in my room"

dream, sapnap, and myself all made our way towards the stairs. sapnap walked up first, i walked up behind sapnap, and dream followed behind me.

sapnap walked extra slow over to the door of his room. he paused while he waited for dream and i to get fully up the stairs. putting his hand onto the door handle.

"you ready" he said with a large grin on his face.

dream and i exchanged confused looks before nodding our heads. sapnap slowly twisted the door handle, pushing the door slightly open.

dream walked over to the door pushing it fully open. he had a confused expression on his face. i slowly creeped up behind dream looking through the doorway. but saw nothing.

"look it's you're present!" you could still hear the smile on his face.

"where" i said. dream and i had already fully stepped into the bedroom looking for anything out of the ordinary. except we still saw nothing.

"turn around idiots" sapnap said.

moments later dream and i turned around not knowing what to expect.

we both looked out the doorway at sapnap with confused expressions on our face.

seconds later sapnap opened the closet door right across from his room.

when we saw karl walk out of it.

"KARL?" i screamed


karl let out a laugh as dream and i both ran out the doorway almost bumping into each other. we both hugged karl without any hesitation.

minutes later we both let go, with slight tears in our eyes.

"when the hell was this planned?! sapnap you completely lied to me" dream yelled.

"yeah i obviously wasn't going to tell you..." he laughed. "karl and i planned on meeting for a long time now. and since i'm with you two i flew him down so we could all be together"

the not so good subgoalWhere stories live. Discover now