Chapter 1

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Okay so...this is a new story I'm working on. IT'S DIFFERENT THAN THE OTHER ONE. :D

tell me what you think. honest opinion! vote/comment if you like it :D

Chapter One

“You’re kidding me,” I mumbled to myself. I put my pink suitcase down on the dirt road and took a good look at the old wooden cabin in front of me. Around me are patches of dead grass and trees and a single dirt road in the middle of nowhere. A rusty sign beside me says Camp Fun so I know I’m in the right place but his doesn’t look like the picture on the website at all. I sighed and picked up my stuff then started walking towards the cabin. When I got inside, I walked up to the receptionist and cleared my throat.

She looked up at my through thick glasses and raised her eyebrow. “Can I help you?”

“Yeah, I’m uh, here to volunteer for the summer.” I said nervously. It sounded more like a question than a statement.

“Volunteer?” she said, sounding shocked.

“Yeah, volunteer. I signed up a few days ago, remember?”

“Ah yes, Sarah Bentley, am I right?”

“Yup,” I said, popping the p.

“Okay. Follow me.”

The receptionist stood up and walked around the corner. I followed her out an old door and down a road to another cabin.  On the way there, I looked around the area and saw nothing there. This would be one of those moments were a tumbleweed rolls by and it’s an awkward moment.

The receptionist sensed my unease and gave me a small smile. “The others would be here soon.”

I don’t know if that makes me feel better. I guess I’m happy that there would be other people my age with me because when I talked with the camp counsellor over the phone, he sounded like a total creep. Then again, I can’t imagine anybody wanting to volunteer here willingly.

I walked over to the small cabin and knocked on the door. Within a few seconds, it opened and a creepy looking man walked out.

“Ah, Sarah. I knew I’d be seeing you soon,” he said. His voice sounded really nasally and it sent goose bumps up my arms.

“Uh, hi,” I said nervously.

“Just sit on this bench and we’ll wait for the others to get here.” He put a hand on my back and guided my towards the wooden bench beside the door.

I shuffled my feet over and sat down as far away as I could on the bench.

“My name is Marvin but you can call me Marv,” he said with a wink.

“Okay…Marv,” I said awkwardly. “Well you already know my name.”

Marvin laughed obnoxiously. “I do, don’t I? You sit here. I’ll just hop in and get your shirt.” He gave me a wink and headed back into the cabin.

I let out a sigh of relief and hoped that he got lost looking for the shirt or something. Unfortunately, I had no such luck and Marvin was back in no time.

“Here’s your shirt. Try it on,” he said, tossing what looked like a shirt for a baby to me.

“Here?” I asked, unfolding it.

“Yeah, there’s no one else around but me,” he said and winked again.

“Uh…” I began. What am I supposed to say to that?

Thankfully, a group of people who looked the same age as me began walking down the road towards us. This distracted Marvin and he walked towards them without a word to me. He said some words to them that I couldn’t hear and then directed them to my area.

“I’m just going to go inside and grab my stuff. Then we will go down to the camp area and get you set up. The kids will arrive tomorrow so I hope to have you guys trained before then,” he said in an unfriendly tone. Marvin gave the group a hard look then a flirty smile to me before going back inside.

There was an awkward silence around the group. I just looked at my feet feeling awkward. Yes, I’m a very awkward person. I glanced up once to see everyone looking at me with a weird expression, like they didn’t know what I was doing here. I felt the same way too. My pleated skirt and ruffled top was very off compared to their worn out sweaters and jeans.

“Look guys, we have a new member with us,” the tallest guy in the group said. He looked me over and smirked to his friends.

“Hi,” I said nervously. My voice squeaked and came out sounding like a mouse. Everyone laughed and I went back to staring at me feet.

After a couple of minutes, Marvin came back out with a clipboard and a big backpack.

“Okay kids, and Sarah” – wink – “we have a lot of kids this year and your supervisors told me that you’d be on your best behaviour, not like last time. So…don’t screw up.”

Wait, what is he talking about?

“And,” Marvin continued, “I’d like you to meet your new camp supervisor Sarah. Now Sarah has donated her valuable summer time to help us out, I trust that you’ll treat her nicely. Okay, moving on now, chop chop.”

Everyone filed up the hill behind us and I stood there stunned.

“Wait, Marvin!” I called.

Marvin ran back down the hill and stopped in front of me. “Yes?”

“What did you mean when you said that the others will be on their best behaviour?”

“Well, I think I forgot to mention this to you, but this isn’t a summer camp.”

My eyes widened. “What do you mean this isn’t a summer camp?”

“It’s more like a boot camp for troublesome kids.”

“Oh so the little kids that come here like to cause trouble?” That’s not too bad.

“Yes…” he trailed.


Marvin stepped back from me and lowered his head. “Ahem, well…you see…I forgot to tell you this too, but the others, they’re trouble makers too.”

I narrowed my eyes. “What exactly do you mean by trouble makers?”

“Let’s just say that they all have criminal records but they’re small small criminal records and are sent here yearly to try to change their ways. But it’s not too bad. It’s not like they kill people or anything like that!”

I stared at Marvin in disbelief. “Wait, so this is a boot camp for delinquents?!”

What have I gotten myself into…?


SOOO.. LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK. it's not too bad i think...

should i continue? or stop writing this story?

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