You Meet Vanya's Family

Start from the beginning

Dear Diary, 

March 8th, 2001

Why did I say diary? I don't like having a diary, so don't expect me to confide in you too much, okay? 

Dad has been training my siblings to work hard, and by the time he's done with them, they're exhausted and don't want anything to do with me. Allison told me to leave her alone. She also yelled at me to get out which was very rude. Luther insults me. He calls me stupid sometimes just because I'm not like them. And Diego just plains out ignores me. 

I get the feeling they don't like me.

Five, Klaus, and Ben are okay. They talk to me, but they do ignore me sometimes. 

Can I blame them? Any of them?

Mood: Questionable


Dear Diary,

March 9th, 2001

I'm back. Don't get used to it. Dad yelled at me again. I absolutely hated when he yelled at me. I'll tell you what happened, if you want.

Allison, Luther, Diego, Five, Ben, and Klaus had just gotten back from a mission and it was already dinner. I didn't know it until Dad called my name. When I walked in, everyone was at the table and Mom had put the plates down on the table.

I was late. That was when he yelled at me. I didn't want to eat what was on the plates, but it seemed that everyone else didn't have a problem. Dad made me stay at the table until all my siblings and him were done. They left, but I had to stay.

He told me to take one more bite of the food and then I could go. I took another bite. But, Dad made me stay in my room for the rest of the day. 

Mood: Angry


I vividly remember writing this. Dad did yell at me for being late and I did refuse to eat my Mom's food.

I drew in a shaky breath. Y/N noticed.

"V, you okay?" She asked.

I nodded, words failing me. I hated it whenever Dad yelled at me, especially in front of my siblings.

"Are you sure?" A male voice asked.

I looked up and noticed Luther, Diego, Five, and Ben standing in the doorway. 

"Hey, Vanya." Five said.

"Hey, and I'm fine." I said, shrugging.

"Well, we're not. This is your girlfriend, right?" Ben asked.

"Yeah, this is Y/N. Y/N, these are Luther, Diego, Ben, and Five. My brothers." I said, pointing to each of my brothers in the process.

"Hi." Y/N said.

We stood there in awkward silence for a while. 

"Dinner anyone?" Allison asked, coming into my room carrying a glass tray.


"And then we took Allison's favorite teddy bear and changed what it sang!" Ben said, eating the now heated-up lasagna.

"Afterwards we came up with a new song just for Luther." Diego said.

Luther looked up and said in a serious voice, "What was it, Diego?"

"LUTHER SNIFFS DAD'S UNDERWEAR!" Ben and Diego sang, their voices and laughter bouncing off the marble walls. 

Y/N choked* and I helped her. 

"Oh my god! That was you two?!" Allison exclaimed.

"Haha, yeah!" 

"Y/N, wanna go outside?" I asked her.

She shrugged and we left the room. I noticed my siblings watching us and making faces to each other. Y/N didn't notice, though.

"How's my family?" I asked her as we sat on the bottom step of the staircase leading to the front door of the Umbrella Academy.

"Fun. I like them." She said. 

"Glad you like us! Now, kiss!" Klaus exclaimed, hugging Y/N and I. 

Y/N blushed and I could feel the heat rise up to my face.

"Klaus! You weren't supposed to interfere!" Allison cried, pulling Klaus away from us. "Sorry, you two. Please continue"

I sighed and Y/N giggled.

"What?" I asked.

"It's just... you guys have such an amazing relationship," I scoffed at that point, "and so many inside jokes... I don't know if your family likes me though." Y/N said quietly.

She shifted into a position where her knees were against her chest. Her insecure and self-doubt sit. 

"Babe, it's okay. They love you! Not as much as me, of course. But, they love you!" I exclaimed wrapping my arms around her.

"How? I'm not like them. Or you!" 

"Look, I felt that way my whole life! Until, I met you. You helped me understand that I don't need powers and special abilities to feel powerful. Y/N, I love you and if my family doesn't, that's their loss!" I cried, holding her tighter.

I never wanted Y/N to feel this way about herself. 

She looked up at me and that's all I needed for me to kiss her. We stayed kissing for a while until we broke apart by the sound of Klaus, Ben, and Allison saying "Awwwwwwwww!" from inside. We turned and the three ducked quickly. Luther and Diego ducked too, but not quick enough that I couldn't know they were there.

"Wanna go inside now?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah, let's go ask if they enjoyed the show." I said, standing up and holding Y/N's hand.

Y/N giggled one last time before we both walked into the Umbrella Academy, my old home.



A/N Again, sorry for this long ass chapter feel free to request any other imagines and stuff, i might make a TUA preference book too. Imma put an announcement chapter if  i do it tho... comment if i should. 

question: whos your favorite character and why

dunno if you can tell but mine is vanya (cute AF i swear, not to mention elliot page is just-)

idk what to say now. bye i guess

also feel free to follow me on Instagram @ ikindastaneveryone on it i post edits/collages/album covers of my fave people (ppl i stan, hence the user)   


<3 THANKS! <3

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