Life of a Malfoy

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DISCLAIMER- I don't own the charatcers in this story, except a select few of my creation. I also do not own some of the events and part of the plot of this story. Those both belong to the amazing J.K. Rowling. 

Read away!


Life of a Malfoy

I hit my head on the compartment door as I went to change into my robes. We were still hours away from Hogwarts, but I decided that if I didn't change now, I might refuse to later. I rubbed the spot on my forehead and growled, then continued to the toilets. I unzipped my sweatshirt and buttoned my white blouse over my white camisole. I fitted my green and silver tie around my neck, and played with the blouse collar. After dressing, I pulled my black robe on, with the Slytherin house patched on below the shoulder. I fixed my hair in the mirror, and took a deep breath.

Only two more years. I had to be here for only two more years, although I couldn't imagine life after Hogwarts. I looked at myself in the mirror again, and gave myself a small pep-talk. First of all, I looked stunning. I didn't even need to be wearing black mascara, because my eyelashes were already thick and long. My rich blond hair flowed down my back in delicate waves; mother had helped me with it this morning. My bright green eyes were sharp and beautiful, as always. I was gorgeous. Every boy in the Slytherin house wanted me. I silently giggled.

I quickly left the bathroom, and pushed past Hermione Granger, a frizzy haired know-it-all who was best friends with Harry Potter, my sworn enemy. Our hate wasn't as strong as his and Draco's, though. My brother longed to see Potter's face bowing to him. Draco and I, we were a team. Anyone who stood in our way was to be punished. But we were cruel, almost to the point of inhumanity. I almost regretted tormenting all the Gryffindors. Almost.

A compartment door flew open as I walked past. Those same footsteps that I heard haunting my dreams were behind me. I stopped, and they stopped.

"What do you want, Les?" I hissed and turned around to find my ex-boyfriend, Lesley Stiller. If you didn't call him Les, you were done for.

"Babe, you know what I want." I let out a sharp laugh.

"I thought I threw you out in the beginning of summer?" I played along, batting my eyelashes.

"We can start over. It was a mistake," he said, and reached for my hand. He grabbed my wrist, and looked me in the eyes. "We can grab a compartment, talk about things.." He started rubbing my wrist with his thumb, and I jerked my hand out of his grasp.

"Kiss my ass," I muttered, and kept on walking. I started picking up my pace, but the sound of his footsteps didn't disappear. I felt arms wrap around my waist, and the next second I was pinned against the wall. It was an empty row of compartments, so no one would see what he was doing. Just his perfect plan. He pressed his body up against mine and I tried to force him off. He outweighed me by around a hundred pounds though, so it was useless.

"Come on, babe," he whispered in my ear. It sent chills of fear up my body.

"Stop it," I growled, as his hands traced up my body. I tried to push him off of me but he pinned my hands down with his arms.

"It's okay." More chills. Bad situation. His face leaned towards mine as he smashed our lips together. I tried to yell for help, but he grabbed me around the waist and dragged me into an empty compartment. He flicked the lock up with his wand, and pressed his lips against mine once more. He traced his lips down to my neck, and I went berserk.

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