Fluke saw this sad look, walked over to Earth and hugged him and said in a gentle voice.

Fluke: calm down ... Everything will be resolved ... Fluke stopped hugging and looked at Earth ... You have to let him be the father he wants to be ...

Earth hearing this took a step back, turned his back on Fluke again, angry and thinking about the kiss he saw.

Earth: never! I will never accept him being the father of my daughter ... Earth turned... She is just my daughter p'fluke .... He is very well as he is ...After he found out about his daughter, he went to kiss another woman in front of me ... You expect me to accept him again?! ... No, I won't let him get close to her.

Fluke was surprised by the way Earth is behaving, he saw that Earth is being selfish and putting jealousy and pride in the middle of everything that is happening.

Fluke: N'Earth! Even if he kissed another woman, you cannot do what you want to do ... It is his right to kiss whomever he wants, after all, you and he are not dating .... At this moment you have to rationalize .. You have to think about what is best for Maya ... If you don't let p'kao see her and be her father, everything will get complicated for you ... You heard P'kimmom! You may end up never seeing your daughter again, for what you did in the past ... So think about it, don't relate feelings to duty ...

Earth hearing this looked away, then looked back at fluke angrily.

Earth: I'm not relating anything ... I don't want him close to my daughter p', don't you understand ... I don't want to see him close to me, I hate him ...

Fluke: you don't hate him, you love him ... Your problem is that you are proud and resentful, you resent him for betraying you, and you are too proud to forgive ... But Maya doesn't have to suffer because of that ... You know how badly she wants to have a father ...

Earth: you are saying this, because p'Ohm appeared in your life, you forgave him and now live happily with him and your daughters ... But Maya is happy only with me ...

Fluke angry when he heard this from Earth, he said angry and hurt too.

Fluke: you have no right to say that to me ... Only you know how much I suffered from p'Ohm's rejection ... I never forgave him, and you know it ...I just think about the feelings of my daughters, in what is good and healthy for them ... P'Ohm demonstrated how much he wants to be the father he denied, and I am just giving him this opportunity that he asked for, nothing more ...And if I ever forgive him, it's because he deserved my forgiveness... Fluke tired of this conversation and angry ... You know what! I will not try to convince you ... you know what makes your life ... I will just say something ... Everything you are doing, is affecting your daughter ... I hope you know that ...

Earth saw that he hurt fluke with his words, but a little angry and sad for hurting his best friend's feelings.

Earth: I'm sorry for my words, p '... I didn't mean to hurt you by saying what I said ... But I know what I'm doing ... I don't want him close to her ...My daughter has no father ... She...

Screaming with anger

Maya: maya does have a daddy ...

Earth's eyes widened when he saw and heard Maya, he looked into his daughter's furious eyes, and did not recognize this look. Angry, Maya walked to the front of Earth and said.

Maya: Maya has a daddy ... Maya wants to see daddy ... I heard mommy and uncle talking about my daddy ...Maya wants to see daddy and mommy will not stop me ..

Fluke was very surprised by Maya's look and words, Earth not knowing what to say, he leaned down to Maya's height, touched her two little hands.

Earth: my love what ... What are you talking about ?! Your father is not here at the moment ... He ..

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