Song Eunha

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'You're not gonna mess this one up. You're a scholarship student and this person is your money source right now.'

"Miss. Song?" A voice calls out to her and she's instantly brought out of her dazed state.

Her fluffy blond hair bounces around when she turns her head, giving the person who calls her out to her the perfect view to her light brown eyes.

"Yes?" She's nervous, her voice is barely a whisper but that only adds to her charm.

The person smiles, instantly being smitten by her. "Master Jung will see you now. Keep your head up, I'm sure you already have this one in the bag." The person looked a lot older than her, their comforting words were probably enough for her to realize how nervous she must've looked.

"Thank you..." she made eye contact with the person for a strong second. She stood and walked to the door. Her flats stopped at the door and she took a deep breath.

The white spring dress she wore made her look only more angelic when she walked in and the shocked look on the elder's face scared her even more. "Miss Song Eunha."

She stood with her bag in front of her lap as she bowed. "Professor Jung." Her nervous voice rose as she tried to make herself sound more confident. "It is such a pleasure to meet you- I actually read a lot of your books to come here- half to try and impress you but then I realized how your strange theories just made them that much outstanding-"

"Please, you're embarrassing an old man like me. If you truly want to impress me how about I look at that portfolio?" The man smiles, gesturing for the chair and she finally takes notice of her rambling.

Her mother had told her the importance of flattering the person in higher power but she actually put some strange opinions along with it... hopefully her portfolio is a lot neater than her thoughts.

She looks down at the floor, making her way to the chair. "Right... I'm sorry." She smiles to herself, already thinking she messed this up for her as she hands the professor her portfolio.

"Kristor Academy?"

She perks up, glad to see he sounded impressed by your high school recommendations. "Yes sir, I had gotten a recommendation from my-"

"The dean?" He sounded shocked as he flipped through another paper.

A hum slips past her lips, her hands resting carefully on her lap. "He funded a separate program which I had the luck to be included in."

Her academic record was flawless, she was almost a genius who managed to already stay atop her classes. Just, never high enough to be considered a genius. The only thing that made her life a lot more difficult was her upbringing.

She was born into a family who could only manage to do so much for her. So...

This is the situation she'd usually find herself in.

In front of a rich man who'd maybe be willing to give her a chance at a great education.

"This is..." the man smiled to himself, his hand moving to rub good chin. "You just came with a bunch of gold to trade for some silver."

"Pardon?" Her heart began beating rapidly against her chest, her mouth going dry as she didn't understand what the man in front of her said.

He laughs to himself. "You're asking for a fully paid tuition?"

She nods, not knowing how to speak up at the moment.

"How about I one up that for you?"

Before she speaks up, the man rolls back on his chair and looks through his file. "As long as you keep your grade point average... 3.9, I'll not only pay for your tuition but allow you to learn under me. Medicine is what you're studying, right?"

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