Horror x Lust (Fluff)

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Horror pov:
Today has been nice with my boyfriend. We snuggled, we cooked together,.... he clinged to my body like a sloth for the past hour.

Flower, I love you, but please let go. No, you like a big comfy teddy bear. Your warm and I don't want to. I know, but I want to lay down without crushing you.

Lust pov:
I have been clinging to Horror for the past hour and I don't want to stop. So I did the only reasonable thing. I climbed into his jacket.

There, now you can't make me let go. Right babe, babe? I poked my head out and saw he fell asleep standing up. It was cute so I decided to let him.

I crawled out and ran upstairs to get a blanket. After runnign back down I  pushed Horror to the floor then snuggled next to him.

Horror pov:
After sleeping I woke up on the floor and saw a blanket around me. Ahh, Flower you really are sweet. When I said that I felt something move in my jacket.

It was Lust, in my jacket. All I could do was blush and die of diabetes. I kissed him then went back to sleep with my Flower.

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