11. Deals and Feels

Start from the beginning

"You are really something else, Hyolyn. Truly. Tonight, you earned a lot of my respect. What happened here tonight stays here," nodding at me, he is only saying that because he knows I will snap his neck in an instant. 

Sighing as I shut the door, I looked at the dead guys and sighed again. Great. 

Walking over the the painting, I opened the panic room door, where 5 boys fell out on top of each other. 

"Oh my god," Minghao shouted. 

"That was so," Jun blinked. 

"Oh my god!" Dino continued. 

"Pew pew pew," Seungkwan made finger guns around the room. 

"You know, you really shouldn't say oh my god," Hansol gave them a pointed look. 

"Oh my god shut up," we all said in unison at him, as he threw his hands up laughing. 

"Noona, your face," Dino came over, wiping the blood dripping down from my eyebrow. 

"Beautiful isn't it," mumbling, I walked back to the medical kit. 

"Who's Jungkook?"

"Who's Dimitri again?"

"Who's this guy?" Questiones were thrown my way at speed. Seeing Jun poke a dead guy with his foot, he shuddered. 

"I think I might throw up," Seungkwan gipped a few times, seeing the dead bodies. 

"You and me both, aish," I mumbled, pounding in my head taking over. 

"Guys it's late, like really late. We have practice tomorrow," Hansol commented, the guys nodding. 

"Can we see you again Noona?" Dino came over and pouted. 

"I'm not going anywhere," patting his head, he smiled. 

Walking out of the warehouse with them, they all piled in my car again. 

"Uh, should you be driving?" Jun asked pointing to the blood dripping donw my face, before quickly putting his seatbelt on as I gave him a look. "Nevermind." 

Driving back to where I met Hansol (at top speed, I might just pass out at the wheel with the immense throbbing in my head), and parked the car, they all piled out. 

"Noona, I love you and all, but please don't take offence if I never ask you for a ride," Seungkwan clicked his tongue, hugging a lamp post. 

Rolling my eyes, I was engulfed in a group hug, being squished from all sides. Suddenly, a memory resurfaced. 


"Group selfie!" Mingyu jumped over the couch, almost toppling me over. "Woozi, get in front or we won't see you."

"Yah!" Woozi screamed, but stood in front of me, not minding me resting on him. Seungcheol and Jeonghan came to sit in front of me, with Joshua wiggling his way in. Hansol came running over, trying to put bandanas on everyone, but Jeonghan gave him a pointed look. 

"Sorry mom," Hansol rolled his eyes, snaking his way in the selfie. 

"Ready? Smile!" Mingyu shouted, taking the picture.

I love my boys. 


"Hansol," pulling out the the hug, they all stopped. 

"What? What's wrong," he ran around the group to me immediately. 

"How many members in your group?" 

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