" ok good, let's watch something babe" I suggested,

" yeah it's still a bit early and we aren't doing anything " he said getting up,

" and we need to talk about your ex" he said walking to the living room,

" ok let me go change first" I said then walked out of the kitchen and went to my room, I took of my clothes and wore grey leggings and a white thank top,

I walk back downstairs and sat down on the couch,

" your ex needs to know his boundaries, he didn't accept his responsibility of being a father when he found out you where pregnant then suddenly he wants to have a bond between him and my daughter, then he said he wants you back! For what reason exactly I don't know and I don't like that shit, I don't want to go behind your back and dig him up to see if he has any bad records because I respect you and from what you said hopefully he won't come back because I feel that he's intention are not good and not to sound jealous or anything but I don't want him near my family" he said caressing Lia's hair as she began to fall asleep,

I nodded in understanding,

" I agree with what you said, i don't want to him close to me at all" i said,

" ok good we're on the same page, if and I meant it, if you ever see him close to you or anything come to the station to signal him ok babe?" He said reassuringly,

I nodded and smiled,

"Yeah babe I'll do that, I don't want to put my daughter in danger" I said.

We were halfway the movie when we hear the roar of a bike, I frown looking at Elijah,

" you invited one of your work friends here?" I asked,

He shook his head frowning and silently got up from the couch trying not wake Lia up but she woke up, he groaned when he saw that she was awake,

" stay here I'll go check who is it" he said, I looked at him as he walked the front door and opened it, I heard Elijah say something so I turned down the volume of the tv to listen at what there were saying,

" look man I don't know who you are but I need to see my girlfriend and daughter, I just need to talk to them ok?" The person said, i sat up in alert, ok now I was scared, what the fuck? He knows where i stay now?, i angrily walked over to where there was at the front door,

I saw him glaring at Elijah,

" i don't give a fuck leave this place right now " Elijah said angrily,

I walked up to them,

" Liam? Are you serious? Who gave you my address?? Huh? What the hell are you doing here?" I asked him folding my arms,

He looked at me softly and smiled,

" hi Diana, please can we talk, we need to clear the air between us please " he said trying to get closer,

" your ass better stay where you are!!, we don't have anything to talk in private, my boyfriend knows everything about my past so there's no secret, if you badly want to say something say it here" I said harshly,

" boyfriend who? Diana I'm not playing with you right now, I'm  dead serious,  I want you back in my life I miss you so much it hurts, I was naive when at the time all this problem happened,  I just want you back ok? Come back home with me I promise you, you'll not regret it baby" he said ,

" it's too late for that Liam now get out of here" I said angrily,

He sighed and shook his head and laughed angrily,

" if you would have just listened to your parents all this shit wouldn't have happened but you were throwing tantrums and look at where it got you" he said now glaring at me,

At the mention of my parents I froze,

" what did you just say?" I whispered unbelievably,

" that's it get the fuck out!!" Elijah screamed in anger,

" you think have the fucking audacity to come to our house and disrespect my family? You've got some fucking nerves!!!" Elijah said as he walked up to Liam,

Before we knew what happened Liam punched Elijah on his jaw, Elijah retaliated punching him back back hard and pushed Liam making him fall to the ground,

" I'm not leaving here, I want to see my daughter!" Liam screamed cleaning the blood from his nose,

I tried blinking the tears away and I inhaled then exhaled,

" you don't have a daughter liam now leave" I said full of hatred,

He chuckled angrily and shook his head,

" don't taste me Diana, not that I wanted her in the first place but you're making it hard for me, the next time you see me is in court and I'm getting full custody of my-" he was cut off by my slippers landing on his face,

I ran towards him ready to beat the shit out of him but I was stopped by Elijah who held me back by my waist bringing me back inside the house,

" you come to my house and threaten to take my child away from me you bastard?? You must be out of your damn mind to even think of such thing" I screamed, 

Tears on anger fell down my eyes as I walked back in the house, soon i heard the siren of the police car close to our house l turned around to see who it was and I saw that it was Jacob and another police officer,  I sighed in relieve, Elijah must have sent him a signal, I whipped my tears and went to the living room to pick Lia and take her to her room and put her to sleep, I was tired already and at this point I didn't care if it was a bit early I just needed her not to see all this bullshit that's going on, I walked up stair and placed her on her bed and read her a story till she fell asleep.

After Lia fell asleep I went back down stairs and saw Elijha in the living room pacing around, I sighed tiredly, I walked up to him and hugged him, he didn't esitate to do the same,

" everything is going to be ok Diana I promise, we'll fix all this" he whispered and i kissed him.

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