Super Super villain

Start from the beginning


Y/n woke up with a terrible headache she tried to hold her head but she felt her hands were tied she started to realize her situation was a lot worse than a headache

She looked around to see she was somewhere with just walls and a single door. She tried to jump with the chair but she fell making a loud noise. She then heard a door opening. "Oh my, well I'm glad your awake" a voice said creepily. The person picked up the chair and faced it toward him. She was met with Patrick's tired eyes. "W-where am I?" Y/n had so many questions

"Well darling Your in my basement" he started to stroke her cheek. "But why am I here" her eyes started to water "because your also real and I need to keep you here where it's safe" he rested his hand in her thigh. That's when y/n started to cry. "Aww don't cry you should be happy now that I've found you, I can show you how things work to being real" she was so confused it was like he was speaking a different language. He began to play with her hair, before he hated the fact that someone could also be real but now he was happy he wasn't the only one.


Y/n was walking in the woods minding her own business when she heard something click behind her. When she looked it was the blonde hair boy in one of her classes. She saw in his hand was a box cutter. His eyes were pure evil but they turned different when he saw who it was. "Oh y/n what are you doing in the woods" she backed away from him when she realized his shirt was covered in red. "Oh this is just paint I was doing a project in the woods with paint" she was still scared why was he doing it in the woods.

He got closer to her but she just kept backing away. He got closer until she was up against a wall. "You believe me right" he said with the craziest eyes y/n had ever seen. Wanting live she agreed "yu-yeah" then He started to kiss her roughly while his hand with the box cutter cupped her cheek and his other hand went behind her back pulling her closer. Y/n pushed him away "wow wow I thought you had a girlfriend" he smirked creepily "not anymore you see she cheated on me and I wanted nothing to do with her" and he continued to kiss her.

Daily dose of Some characters I had a crush on when I was a tiny child

Daily dose of Some characters I had a crush on when I was a tiny child

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