"And why are you this relaxed? I think this is a first." He smiled.

"I thought you wouldn't like it if I go all fangirl on you." I laughed and he joined.

"Well, I appreciate it! So you know my name, can I know yours?" He asked friendly.

"Lola." I smiled up at him. I noticed that behind his smile, he looked sad. His eyes weren't matching the smile on his lips.

"Is everything okay? I mean, I saw everything on the news..." I tried cautiously.

"Uhm, yes I guess."

"That rhymes."

"Didn't even notice that." He smiled again, but this time it reached his eyes as well.

"So you said you wanted to find your roots. Are they in Belgium?" I wondered.

"Yes. I am one sixteenth Belgian!" He said happily.

"Are you staying here for the long run?" I asked curiously.

"As long as needed. I have to go back to London though, for you know, the divorce." He looked at me sadly.

"I'm sorry to hear about that. It mist have been a shock."

"No, actually not. It is not the divorce that makes me sad or umhappy, it is just all these things coming together." He said with a sad smile.

"I understand. If you need someone to talk to or make you laugh, you can count on me." I patted him on the shoulder reassuringly.

"You are funny?" He laughed.

"That is what they call me, Tommo." I smiled at him teasingly.

"Well, I think I will take you up on that promise. Can I have your number?"

"Yes." I gave him my number and he sent me a text.

"I need to hurry now, my friend is probably somewhere looking for me." I said.

"I can trust you, right?" Louis asked, stopping me by grabbing my upper arm.

"Of course." I replied and left the shop without buying anything.

I went to the place me and Liz had decided to meet.

"How was the alone time?" Liz asked curiously.

"I see you have a new pair of glasses! Fancy!" I laughed and took them off of her nose and put them on myself.

"You are born to wear glasses!" Liz laughed.

"Thanks, hunny!" I said in a posh English accent.

"You are welcome, darling!" Liz said back, also mimicking posh accents.

"I met Louis Tomlinson and he gave me his number so I can make him laugh when he needs a laugh and please I don't know why I did that and why I didn't fangirl right in front of his eyes." I spat out in one breath.

"Wow, Lola! Take it easy! You seriously did that or is this a joke?" She looked as if in hesitation.

"It's true." I whispered, blushing and taking a sip of my hot coco.

"Then you are jester?" Liz started laughing hysterically.

"NO! He doesn't pay me or anything!" I had trouble staying serious when Liz was laughing that hard.

"He should. When yo are on the roll..." She rolled her eyes and continued laughing.

"Hey!" I slapped her playfully on her arm.

"Sorry, Lola but that is weird. Who asks a person they just met to make them laugh when they need to? It is odd." Liz said.

"I don't care and we already met a couple of weeks ago so. Come on, Liz, otherwise we are going to miss Neighbours."

"You don't watch Neighbours."

"Maybe I want to start watching it! Come on!" I put money on the table and dragged her out of the cafe


Another chapter I wrote on my iPod so spelling mistake are highly possible.

Don't judge me, I am visiting my grandmother.

So I hope you like it! This is all fiction, I just wanted to tell you that again because yes, it is odd that they all meet celebrities around the same time but again this is just imagination!

QOTC: who is your fave 1D member and what is your ship name with them? Mine are Harry & Louis and the ship names are "Marry" and "Mouis" (creative, not)

Thank you for reading my lovess

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