2. It all depends on the answer

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~ Cole ~

As I put the phone aside and recovered a little, I began to think about Roberto's offer. In order to rethink and digest all this, it took a lot of time.
Since, as I have already said, I have not been filmed anywhere for quite a long time and practically did not appear in public, this call surprised me greatly. "How did they even find me? Well, I starred in a Disney series, and then when I was still a teenager, and now what about it? How do I get back to that life?» I was getting used to the cameras, the early climbs, and the stacks of papers with huge scripts. If I agree, I will have to live like this again: get tired, do not get enough sleep, pour liters of coffee into myself, strain my brain, filling them with the replicas of my hero. I don't know if I want to...

About 8 years ago, I stopped accepting audition offers precisely because I was tired. Terribly tired, I would return home and fall into bed, not doing any homework, not writing reports, not reading anything, I just, in the clothes in which I was shooting, would fall into a deep sleep and after about 4.5 hours I would wake up, in the same position in which I fell asleep, and again go to the shooting. It was my daily routine. Of course, I had a day off 1 time a week, but even on this day I had to work - I learned the script. There were days when I played for my brother Dylan (while he was at home), and there were days when he played for me. We are lucky in this regard, we are twins. But every year there were fewer and fewer such days, as we grew up and we were already at least a little, but it was possible to distinguish us.
After a long 7 years, when we finished shooting "All Tip-top or the life of Zack and Cody", my brother and I still decided to get an education (in addition to acting). It was sooo hard for us to pull up all the school subjects, we hired tutors (honestly, I don't even remember how many of them we had), sat up until night, wrote reports, prepared for exams, but despite all the torment and sleepless nights, we managed. And here it is at last-graduation!

After graduation, I went on to become an archaeologist

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After graduation, I went on to become an archaeologist. I've been working for a year now. And you know, I quite like my work. I don't even know if I want to leave her and go back to acting...

Still, for a final answer, I decided to call my brother, Dylan. Although we troll each other, but nevertheless we very often manage to give each other quite good advice.
And just 3 minutes later, I'm already dialing his number, thinking that he might be with Barbara (who is clearly more important to him than me), and not pick up the phone because of this.
But to my surprise, he answered quite quickly.
"Well, well... What kind of people... Sprouse Jr.
- Dee, you got me already with your "junior" - "senior", you are older than me by some 15 minutes! Really in this there is a difference?
- Well, if so deal.
- Okay-interrupted his Cole-fuck with you. Aren't you busy right now?" I have an urgent question for you.
- I think we have 20 minutes with you. I'm just on my way to the shooting of "Breaking Ground"with Barbara right now. Well, in short, while we go - I'm all yours. What happened?
"I was offered a role on Riverdale this morning. I don't know if I want to go back to my old life...
Cole! Of course, agree! Don't even think about the answer "no"! What did you tell the producer?
"What I'll think."
"No, look at him!" "I'll think about it," he mimicked me. What's there to think about? God, Cole, you have no idea how happy I am for you!
- Do you think we should agree?  I asked him uncertainly
"Have you read the script yet?"
"Not yet. Roberto sent it to me about 10 minutes ago, and I'll read it now.
- In short, whatever is in this scenario-agree! I know this producer, he does not make bad films and always collects a decent box office.
"What about archaeology?"
"Cole, let's get it out in the open." Tell me, do you now earn as much as you can earn if you accept the offer?
- Of course not. Twice, or even three times more!
- Well, first of all, and secondly: well, holy shit, don't you understand, new friends, new relationships, new emotions, feelings, impressions! Can girl itself you'll find already in late the all.
- D!
- And that? I'm not telling the truth, am I?

After a few more minutes of persuasion, Dylan finally convinced me. I decided. I'll go back to acting.

Around seven o'clock in the evening, I finished reading the script that Roberto had sent me. In general, the plot really went to me. But the role of Archie, which I am offered, I am not happy. Honestly , I haven't liked him since I was a kid. He's too ordinary and ... boring, or something.
But I focused my attention on one character, whose name is Forsyth Pendleton Jones or just Jughead Jones. He's very strange. He has a unique perception — he sees the city and his friends from an objective point of view. He looks and listens. He's a guy with a camera who keeps an eye on things. He distanced himself from many people in the city because of his vulnerability and inability to get along with people.

After half an hour, I dial the producer's number. After telling him that I was closer to Jones than Andrews, to my surprise, he very quickly agreed that I should audition for the role of Jughead instead of Archie. Having set the date of, let's say, the "casting", our phone conversation ended. This Saturday at 11: 00 I have to be there, in Los Angeles.

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