In-Laws (Vacation Edition)

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I have written many other In-Law chapters before. This one has the same characters and message but is unrelated in plot!!
Wattpad is glitching so sorry if anything is weird
Peter is five
Pepper pulls a bag out from the closet and throws it on the bed.
"Pepper it'll be fine," Tony says in a reassuring voice. He settles a comforting arm around Pepper's shoulders.
Pepper drops her head in her hands, "I don't know Tony... four whole days? You know I love my family, but... well," Pepper sighs and rubs her eyes before turning out of his arm neatly placing a few pairs of clothes in the bag.
"If it gets bad we can always leave. Besides, we deserve a vacation," Tony responds, grabbing some more clothes out of his side of the closet and shoving them into the bag.
"Can you pack for Peter when you are done? I have to clean a few things and then I'll pack some food for the drive."
Tony nods and quickly shoves the rest of his clothes into the bag. The Stark family hasn't been on a real vacation since before Peter was born. They were hesitant about bringing such a young kid far away from home, so instead, they opted for day trips to the lake. Three months ago, Pepper's parents called and suggested they go on a big family vacation. Ginger, Pepper's sister, Bill, her husband, and their two kids Abigail and Ron. They are twins and the same age as Peter.
Pepper was hesitant to agree, they are in the middle of launching a new campaign for renewable energy. With gentle encouragement from the rest of the Avengers that they would take care of the place while the Stark's were gone, she agreed. More than that though, Ginger and her kids were always favored over Pepper, Tony and Peter. It has been that way ever since she decided she wanted to be a big-shot businesswoman. Though she was born in California, her parents were from Texas. They encouraged more... traditional life. When Pepper left, it did not go over well in the Potts' household.
Tony walked down the hall to where his son was taking a small nap. He had a playdate with his friend Ned this morning and was very tired. Tony carefully opened the door and stood in the entrance for a moment observing his son. He was curled up in his Avengers bedspread (Peter insisted, Tony actually suggested cars), hugging his baby blanket with his face pressed against the stuffed sloth that Steve and Bucky gave him for his birthday a few years back.
The kid made Tony's heart swell in a way he never knew was possible. He still couldn't believe that he made such a perfect little boy. Admittedly, he hoped it was a girl but after laying eyes on Peter for the first time it didn't matter. Peter is his kid and he loves him with everything.
Regretfully, Tony walked farther into the room laying a hand over the boy's shoulder, "Hey, buddy. it's time to wake up. We got to pack for tomorrow."
Peter yawned and slowly blinked his eyes open. After registering his dad's words, he shot up in bed with a smile on his face, "Can I bring blankie and Slothie?" Tony smiles fondly and ruffles the young boy's hair.
"Of course," Tony lifts Peter up from the bed which grants a loud squeal from him, "Let's get packing."
After saying goodbye to all of the Avengers, Pepper made Natasha promise three times that she would make sure nobody burnt the house down. Tony had to half drag her into the car. The morning sun shines brightly through the windows of the car, despite the early hours Peter is wide awake. "Are we almost there yet! I'm so excited! I wanna go simmin and-and..." He squeals loudly and bounces up and down in his car seat.
"Settle down little guy, we haven't even left yet," Pepper says with a smile. Tony pulls out of the parking space and drives off down the street.
"What do you want to listen to, buddy?" Tony asks glancing at the review mirror to see Peter's face staring forward as if he was asked the hardest question ever.
He kicks his feet back and forth a few times before saying, "Hmmmm, can you play.... ADC pretty please?"
Tony laughs, "You mean AC/DC?" Peter nods eagerly. Pepper sighs in fake disappointment.
"Look what you've done to our kid, Tony," She is smiling anyway.
"What do you mean, Pep, he's got a good taste," Tony quips with a smirk playing on his face as he turns on the rock music.
The time passes surprisingly quickly. Towards the end Peter gets antsy, asking almost every two minutes if they are there yet ("The more you ask the longer it's going to take," Pepper chided) Tony chuckled as Peter slapped a hand over his mouth and didn't ask again the rest of the drive.
The Starks and Potts agreed to stay in cabins on Lake Erie. There was a company that has two small cabins next to each other, Mr. and Mrs. Potts opted to bunk with Ginger. The Stark's didn't complain.
Not too long passed before the buildings disappeared and turned into rolling his and beautiful trees. Shortly after that, Tony turned down a gravel path that leads to the cabins. Each cabin has two small bedrooms, a small living room, and a small kitchen. Outside the kitchen is a big deck with a charcoal grill. Beyond that thier was trees and a spacious backyard that lead straight to the docks. The docks are equipped with several kayaks, a canoe, and a Pontune that Tony rented out extra.
As soon as the car stopped Peter started bouncing in his seat, "Slothie, look! We are here!" The boy pushed his stuffed animal to the window to show him the beautiful view. He brought it back into his arms when Pepper reached to open the door and help him out.
The moment his feet touched the ground he ran up to the door and started jumping up and down. The Potts' have a little farther to travel so the Stark's arrived first.
"Peter, come and grab your bag. You can help too!" Tony called from behind the car, pulling out his and Pepper's bag along with another bag filled with essentials the cabin didn't provide. Peter sighed and sulked to the back of the car, taking his bag that Pepper handed him.
"Hia there!" A friendly voice called from the property next door. Tony sets his bag in front of the door and waves in return. "I own the cabin, we live right next door if you ever need anything. Anyways, here is your key Mr. Stark, I hope you have a wonderful time," The man continued.
Tony walked up to the guy and grabbed the key, "Thank you. We are all really excited." After a few more minutes the guy disappeared into the trees back to his house.
After the door was unlocked, the family quickly transferred all of their bags into the cabin. It was nothing special, but cute nonetheless. Peter couldn't be happier. He ran through the rooms before finding his own which is just off the kitchen. Inside is a twin bed with a comforter patterned with ducks and small ponds.
Peter carefully positions his stuffed animal and blanket against the pillows before setting his bag on a bench near the corner of the room and skipping back out into the kitchen. Peter then walked to the window and pressed his face against it to observe his surroundings.
Not even a moment later, a familiar red car pulled up to the cabin next door, "They're here! They're here!" Peter squealed clapping his hands together and running out into the kitchen.
"Woah there, slow down buckeroo," Pepper said swinging Peter's legs around his hips and following Tony out of the front door.
The family piled out of the car, first Mr. Potts stepped out of the driver's seat followed by Mrs. Potts, Ginger, and the rest.
"Hello," Pepper greets stepping towards the car and setting Peter down. Mrs. Potts gives her a quick hug then Peter.
"Could the three of you help unpack our car? It's been a long trip!" Mrs. Potts says, walking up to the front door, waiting for Mr. Potts to come back with the key.
"Sure," Tony replies for Pepper, walking to the back of the car to grab a few bags. Ron and Abigal run through the door, with nothing in their hand followed closely by Ginger and Bill.
"Or we'll just do it for you," Pepper mutters under her breath helping Tony grab some bags from the car.
After they finally unpacked, the family sat on the dock of the Potts cabin watching the kids play in the sand and run into the water. The adults had plastic chairs in the shallow part of the water. It is a hot day, so the cool water on their feet helps keep them cool. Tony and Pepper ditched thier usual attire for this vacation, Tony is wearing khaki shorts with a colorful Hawaiian shirt and Pepper is wearing a comfortable t-shirt with Bermuda shorts.
"How are your jobs going?" Tony asks, breaking the somewhat awkward silence that fell over them.
Ginger shrugs, "The nursing home is ok. I've been so busy lately, we had nearly ten new people in the past few days. And Bill with the dentist's office, we've hardly been able to keep up with all of the kid's activities too! Ron just started playing peewee soccer and Abigail... well she's in everything, dance, soccer, gymnastics. It's a wonder we were even able to make it on this trip, it wasn't easy to clear off a whole weekend just for a cabin."
Mrs. Potts pipes in, "Well, your dad and I are very thankful you took time out of your schedule to do this, Ginger. I know Abigail and Ron are missing a soccer game this weekend, but it's beautiful here, isn't it?"
Ginger and Bill nod in agreement.
"Bill, how are the kitchen renovations going?" Mr. Potts questions before taking another long sip of his beer. Tony reaches over his chair and places his hand on Pepper's.
This is going to be a long weekend.
"They are going well, I just finished installing the cabinets. The new countertops are coming next week and the appliances the week after. Our new flooring is already in, we ended up going with the same laminate that's in the rest of our house."
"I can't wait to see it. Maybe we will have to have Thanksgiving at your house," Mrs. Potts jokes, causing them to break out in laughter. Tony and Pepper chuckle along with them, fake of course.
"How's that little business of yours doing? I saw on the news yesterday that employees are quitting because they didn't get paid enough."
Tony sighs and Pepper grits her teeth, "No, if you would have watched longer you would have seen that those were rumors created by Oscorp to make us look bad. Our employees are very happy and Stak Industries."
Bill nods, "Ah, it always seems like big corporations are hiding something, though."
Tony shakes his head, "Not all of them. Actually, we are in the middle of launching a new campaign to promote renewable energy. We are hoping that in a few years Government buildings will be using only renewable energy."
Ginger, Bill, Mrs. Potts, and Mr. Potts practically ignores the statement and continues talking about their Ron and Abigail.
Tony shares a look with Pepper.
It's really going to be a long four days.
Part 2?

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