Negative Press & Protecting His Girls (March 2011)

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"Camryn..."Anne warily says walking closer to Camryn and peeking at the headline Camryn is reading over. Her heart drops immediately. And then her blood boils. What is wrong with people? Who picks on a 16 year old girl who is heavily pregnant and plasters less than flattering photos of her in magazines for the whole country to see. "Oh sweetheart..."

Camryn looks up at Anne with watery eyes that are about to spill over and her bottom lip wobbling, "why are people so mean?"

"Oh honey,"Anne coos, taking the magazine out of Camryn's hands and throwing it aside. She immediately surrounds Camryn in a hug and combs her fingers through Camryn's long blonde hair as Camryn cries into her shirt. "Sweetheart, don't read those things. They're just awful people who just make up lies for money."

"But why do they target me?"Camryn cries, gripping onto Anne tighter, in desperate need of a hug from her mumma.

Anne squeezes her eyes shut to try and prevent herself from getting emotional as she places her chin on top of Camryn's head. She's right and Anne knows it. Everyone involved with the band knows it. The media targets Camryn more than any of the boys for their lies and offensive articles. And the truth is, she's an easy target. An on-the-rise music megastar's pregnant teenage girlfriend? It's every media magazine's dream story and they take advantage of it.

"Because they're just evil, sweetheart,"Anne whispers, gently rocking their bodies side to side as Camryn's tears continue to wet Anne's shirt. "I'm so sorry, lovely. I wish I could shield you and Harry from all of this."

"They always make fun of me mum,"Camryn sobs, completely fed up with the negative press she's been getting for the past 16 weeks since Harry and her announced their pregnancy. "They always talk about how small my bump is and say that Darcy is going to suffer from malnutrition when she's born."

Anne sucks in a sharp breath and hugs Camryn tighter. She didn't know about that. She's not blind to the magazines all around the grocery stores that have her daughter and son on the front pages, but she just chooses not to look further into them. Because of that, she is pretty blind to what is said about Harry and Camryn.

And it's true, Camryn's bump is really tiny and so is Darcy. However, the only people who know the true reason are Anne and the boys and some close friends. Camryn couldn't keep anything down for the first 30 weeks of her pregnancy, so weight wise Darcy is a bit tiny, but nothing that raises an immediate concern. It's only been within the past couple of days that Camryn has started to be able to keep food down.

It does, however, make Camryn feel extremely guilty that she couldn't feed her baby properly. She blames it on herself that Darcy is behind weight wise even though there was nothing she could do to prevent it, and she actively tried to feed herself even though she knew it would just make her sicker. Having new stories pointing out how small her bump is definitely doesn't help in diminishing Camryn's guilt.

"Oh Camryn, I didn't know that."

Camryn sniffles and nods, looking up at Anne with mascara running down her cheeks. "They say a bunch of mean things. I've never seen them say anything nice about us. They always say that Harry is going to leave me and Darcy. And then they have this whole narrative that Louis and Harry are together and it just sucks mum."

"Oh honey,"Anne coos, cupping Camryn's cheeks with her hands and wiping some of her tears, "you know that's not true right?" Camryn nods with a sniffle, in her heart she knows that Harry would never leave her and their daughter, but when you hear something so many times it starts to take a toll on you. "Do you and Harry read the stories often?"

Camryn shakes her head and tries to calm her breathing, her chest is sputtering and hiccuping. "No, he refuses to read it, but I read it sometimes. I can't help it. But, he always gets mad when he finds me reading it and he's trying to get me to stop."

Family Forever- H.S. (Teen Pregnancy)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon