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You're a new survivor, just arrived at the campfire. You're quickly brought up to speed with what's going on and warned of the killers. But if you're meant to be afraid of them... Then why are they so attractive...?


- This is a NSFW book, and all readers should be at least 16+ as per Wattpad's guidelines. I cannot stop you reading if you are below this, obviously, but please respect that this space is not meant for you and I would appreciate it if you did not read this book.

- Requests are open for all killers except those listed below (SFW requests can be made in my fluff book!) please comment on the chapter titled "requests" once it is published or PM!

- I won't do survivor x reader or character x character, sorry I'm just not good at them!

- This book will be female reader x killers only, if you want male reader I have an identical book with the same base scenarios!

- I'm happy to do pretty much any kink/scene (within reason), and don't be afraid to ask for something even if I might say no~

- Killers that I absolutely will not write scenes for:

      - Hag

      - Doctor

      - Bubba

      - Clown

     - Demogorgon

      - Blight

     - Twins

- Killers I'm 100% happy to write scenes for (Much higher chance of your request being added!)

      - Trapper

      - Spirit

      - Legion (Any member)

      - Ghost Face

      - Oni

- For the sake of ease, all killers will be able to understand and speak English, although some may still choose not to as part of their character.


And that's all! Enjoy your smut~

[18+] DBD x Reader (Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now