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"Now remember it's okay if you're not in Slytherin."

"I know mom."

"I think we'd actually prefer if you weren't in Slytherin."

"I know dad." My parents give me a big hug. When we hear the whistle blow for the train they still don't let go. I try to wiggle out, but they still don't. "Let go or they're gonna leave without me."

"We love you." "Remember to write to us."

I walk onto the train in search of an empty compartment. When I finally find one, I sit down and take out my book. After a couple minutes a boy opens the compartment door.

"Excuse me, can I sit here? Everywhere else is full." He says shyly.

"Of course, go right ahead. My names is Verity, what's yours?"

"Remus. First year?"

"Yeah you?"

"Me too! Where are you from?"

"Finchley, you?"


"What house are you hoping to get?"

"I don't know what house I want but I have a feeling I will be in Ravenclaw."

"So what I'm hearing is I should go to you when I start failing classes."

"If you must." He puts his hand on his heart for dramatic effect we both laugh. We stop laughing when we hear the compartment door slide open and see two boys run in then shut the door.

"Oh sorry thought this was empty." I was about to say it's fine, but Remus beats me to it.

"It's fine but why are you running."

"We already met someone we didn't like." The boy with the longer black hair says sitting down.

"How can a girl so pretty be friends with such a tosser?" His friend remarks.

"We're first years if you couldn't tell."

"Well so are we. I'm Verity and this is Remus."

"I'm James"


"I'm Peter" We all scream unaware that there was another person in the compartment, and he screams at the sudden noise.

"Why are we all screaming?"

"When did you get in here?!" I say out of breath

"Just now..."

"Well now that we've all introduced ourselves who wants to play exploding snaps."

We play until we get to Hogwarts. We all ride in the same boat. The castle looks absolutely amazing I could not be happier to spend the next seven years here. We make our way inside McGonagall says that the sorting hat ceremony will begin. I'm not really paying attention unless someone from my compartment is called up.

"Sirius Black."

We look at him and see he is nervous. He told us that his whole family is Slytherin and are expecting him to be one too. My family is full of Slytherins to except my dad he was in Gryffindor. Very progressive family if I say so myself.

"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat announces.

The table cheers but Sirius looks a little scared for what his family will do. But his eyes say that he doesn't really care.

"Verity Dragoste"

I look to Remus, Peter, and James. I walk up with a slight pep in my step I'm pretty excited to see what house I'm in. I sit down and McGonagall puts the hat on my head.

"Hmmmm interesting. Mostly Slytherin family but with some Gryffindors in the mix. Slytherin would be safe for you."

"But is that really the best choice for me?"


"Like if you were being sorted where would you go? What would be the best choice for you? Would you be in Ravenclaw because you help guide people where they go and knows a lot. Or would you be in Hufflepuff because you're good at finding out things about a person. Or Slytherin because you're pretty ambitious."

"How am I ambitious?"

"You're determined to find a place where everyone belongs. Or would you be Gryffindor because you boldly assume you know where everyone goes and take a lot of pride in what you do?"

"There is only one founder who would be so proud of someone to question me better be GRYFFINDOR!"

The Gryffindor table cheers, and I sit next to Sirius.

"I see you just can't stay away from me."

"Shut up, I don't want to miss the guys' sorting."

After the ceremony the feast began. Luckily, we all got into Gryffindor.

"So Verity why did it take you so long to be sorted." Peter asks.

"I asked him where he would be sorted. He told me there would only be one founder who would be proud of someone questioning the hat."

"I don't think I have ever had so much pride in you as a friend."

"Well given we had only met each other five hours ago James, that's not saying much." We all laugh at Remus' remark. I am excited for this chapter of my life to begin.

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