
Aizawa coughed, earning everyone's attention as Izuku and I's lingering glance fell away. "If you can pass this test and get your Provisional Licenses? Then you novice eggs will hatch into chicks. You'll be semi-pros. I expect your best." Aizawa glanced at me, flicking his head as he turned on his heel and signaled that I follow.

I fell in stride with him, struggling to hold my bag up as he side-eyed me. "I understand your quirks playing a game of hide-and-seek with you, correct?" I hummed, nodding as I chewed on my lip and waited for him to tell me I was going to have to wait another year. "Today isn't going to be a day in the park, Yagi. You don't need to push yourself, but you don't need to hold back either. Focus on yourself, forget about helping your classmates or you won't walk out of here with a license. I won't lie to you, I'd feel wrong. Everyone is going to be gunning for Class 1-A from the time that alarm sounds. You- especially. You're the daughter of the Symbol of Peace, they think you got everything handed to you and that you haven't had to work a day in your life to be where you are now. I want you to show them not only that they're idiots, but show yourself that your better than any of them, got that? Don't tell your classmates what I've said..." He stopped, glancing down at me as I slowly nodded in agreeance.

"Eraser!? I'd know that scowl anywhere!" I heard a woman's voice call out as I turned to find Aizawa with wide eyes and grit teeth.

He didn't look at me as he spoke, his eyes instead only focused on the girl with green hair quickly approaching us. "Yagi- go away."

"But you weren't-"

The green-haired girl laughed loudly pointing at me as Aizawa poked my side with his scarf and began shoving me back towards my classmates. "Is that All Might's kid!?"

"Go away."

I turned on my heel, stalking over towards my classmates as they watched a large huddle of students seemingly walking away from my classmates. "Who's that?" I asked.

"Shiketsu High," Bakugo muttered.


"Shikestu High, you dumbass. Don't you know anything?" He grumbled.

"Seems your forgetting I didn't even look into UA before getting here," I huffed.

"Come a long way since then, huh?" He grumbled, glancing at me as I only huffed in agreeance. He nudged me, furrowing his eyebrows as he tried to silently ask what was wrong. "Asami, what's-"

"My quirk is weak. It's like it's not used to my body anymore," I whispered, glancing up to meet his gaze as he watched me with wide eyes. "I've only used it once since the incident and it wasn't on my own accord. It's like the entrance exam all over again... I have no control over it. No matter how hard I try, I can't channel it."


"He doesn't know. Haven't you seen the eyebags he's getting? Stretches himself thin enough without worrying about another thing. You know him... He'd take it upon himself to personally find out what was wrong. I know it's not exactly an option for Izuku, but I'm trying to give him as much of a break as I can. He doesn't need to worry about me all the time," I muttered.

"He's your boyfriend, it's his responsibility to-"

"No. Just because we're together does not mean he needs to take care of me. I'm not his damn kid, I'm his girlfriend. Besides, I think Nana is harboring it from me as some sort of time-out for almost getting killed. She must not think I'm ready? I don't know... Maybe it's just me... Maybe I'm too weak right now..."

"Who's Nana?" He asked.

"Don't worry about it."

Suddenly, the two of us were broke from our conversation by a crowd of kids quickly approaching us. They all wore big smiles, gray shirts with black pants, and waving hands as they marched right up to Bakugo and I. In a matter of seconds, Izuku and Todoroki stood to my left, the rest of our classmates falling in line behind us.

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