Extra: Lan Bingwen and Lan Yingjie

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Jiang Cheng's Pov

I am now 9 months pregnant and this damn Lan Xichen never stop spoiling me. I never thought that Wei Wuxian's trick could really effect.

"A-cheng it's cold, let's go inside" Lan Xichen called me again. The rain just stoped and I just want to enjoy the cold breeze. I stomp my feet as I entered our room.

"You become more and more stubborn" Lan Xichen smile brightly and hug me with care. He stroke my hair using his hand as he hummed a relaxing song.

I slowly felt my eyelids become heavy.

Author's Pov

Lan Xichen lifted Jiang Cheng up and carried him in a bridal style. He slowly put down Jiang Cheng on the bed.

"Goodnight, honey" He whispered and lay beside him. He drifted off to sleep.


Lan Xichen woke up when he heard a whimper from his wife. He was alerted so he widely open his eyes and get up immediately. He saw Jiang Cheng sitting on the floor while holding his big stomach.

"Jiang Cheng, are you okay?" Lan Xichen asked, panicking. "Do I look like okay?" Jiang Cheng sarcastically replied and rolled his eyes.

Lan Xichen help him get up and sit on the bed. "Do you want me to call a doctor?" Lan Xichen asked

"Of course, I am going t---arghh" Jiang Cheng yelled in pain. Lan Xichen was as fast as a thunder as he called for a doctor. He also called Jin Ling and Wei Wuxian, as well as Lan Wangji.

They are waiting outside the room. Lan Xichen is pretty nervous after hearing his wife screaming in pain.

"Come down brother in law, he's tough, he will be fine" Wei Wuxian tap his shoulder to calm him.

"Ahh yeah I hope so" Lan Xichen replied nervously.

After almost half an hour, Jiang Cheng has finally give birth a twin boy. Lan Xichen was so overwhelmed. Inside him, he was jumping happily. He kisses his wife's forehead and also his sons.

Wei Wuxian and Jin Ling came to them and look at the faces of the twin. "They looks so much like both of you" Wei Wuxian said. "Of course, they are our sons" Jiang Cheng replied and look at his son with full of love.

"Have you alread thought of a name?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"Jin Ling, why don't you give your cousins a name?" Jiang Cheng asked as he turn his gaze to Jin Ling who is fondly looking at the newborn baby in Lan Xichen's arms.

"Bingwen and Yingjie" Jin Ling uttered and smiled more.

"That's a great name" Lan Xichen said with a fatherly tone. "Congratulation Sect Leader Jiang, Xichen-ge" Lan Wangji greeted and stand beside Wei Wuxian.

"Lan Bingwen and Lan Yingjie" Lan Xichen said their names happily and kiss his sons again.

You're Mine//xicheng ff (Modern ft. Ancient)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang