Chapter 6: Ghostface

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Yada, yada, yada, I'm done with all the bullshit! Okay me and Michael, we're killers. We think like killers. We support hbioq+ or whatever it is though! We don't hate gay love, at all! Love is hate for us. We hate Slappy but don't love him. We - Michael and I - are - in secret - we're gay. We found out that today. Slappy-I have never felt attracted to him - well, maybe! I don't even know the guy! Why am I so f-d up! (Fucked up!) I don't love Slappy... Right? Then why do I get a headache or a fluttering feeling in my stomach or heart when I'm by him?! I don't think Slappy's gay- I think. He never told Michael he was. No wonder I had a flutter in my heart when I was by Michael too - wait, it's the same feeling! Do I love Slappy and Michael? I don't know yet - i'm weird. I need to figure my feelings out. I know, I know. You probably don't understand why a killer would love - well, we do. We're still human. 

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