Chapter 2

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I couldn't believe it. After so long I was returning to Bellwood. I'm now sixteen and had definitely changed. Ever since I moved away and discovered my powers, I had spent a lot of time training my body to hopefully better control my powers. Along with training my mind, since I still am trying to understand what my powers are.

I exercised a lot and had definitely gained some muscle over the years. I had learned that I control energy, but still had some work to do to fully controlling my powers. (Even if I have been practicing secretly for six years).

But right now, all I wanted is to see what has changed in my old town. Once me and Mom arrived at our new house, Mom let me go out, "Just be back before dark. Be safe (Y/N)." She said. And once I started walking towards the city, memories flooded into my mind. But then Ben popped into my head. "Would he even want to talk to me? I did leave without saying anything." I mumble to myself. I felt guilty for not even saying goodbye to my closest friend.

My head started to hurt, "Hah, I need a smoothie." I made my way to the Mr. Smoothie's I had been to so many times before I moved. "One (F/F) please." I said. After receiving my drink, I payed and started walking again drinking my smoothie. A sigh of content escaped my mouth, "At least this stayed the same." I smiled.

But then I bumped into someone, "Ahg! Sorry! I wasn't looking!" I apologize and look to see who I walked into but then froze, "It's fine, just-" They paused when they looked at me with their emerald green eyes. I know those eyes anywhere, even after so long.

We just stare at each other, not knowing what to say. "Hey Ben. I have your-. Oh. Hello, and who you might you be?" A voice spoke. Ben and I look to find a tall man, who was definitely not human. Not wanting to be rude I introduce myself, "Oh-I'm-(Y/N) (L/N). And you are?" You said. The tall, cat man-like lend his hand out, "I am Rook Blonko. A member of the Plumbers. And this is my partner Ben Tennyson." Rook says.

Although, Ben looked away and remained silent. I felt a little hurt but I couldn't blame him. Rook looked a little confused, "Am I interrupting something?" He asks. "No. Actually, come on. We've got patrolling to do, come on Rook." Ben finally spoke and started walking away. Rook was surprised by his reaction and looked back to me, "Sorry about that." He apologize. I waved him off, "It's fine. To be honest I expected it." I told him.

Before he could ask what I meant a honk was heard. I look and saw a truck with Ben in the passenger seat. Rook let out a sigh, "I best get going. It was nice meeting you (Y/N)." He says then walks over and got in the car, driving away.

My powers activated and my straw started to hover. I quickly realized what I was doing and quickly dropped it before anyone could see. I decided to head back home. This was definitely not how I imagined my first day back.

(Reunions are not always happy, am I right?)

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