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A young girl watched the stairs

As her sister descended,

A familiar pain grasped her heart...

An ache that never ended.

Her throat constricted...

Her heart convicted...

She tried to swallow, but couldn't.

Her sister was poised and beautiful,

Charming and graceful,

Short and lean

And only seventeen!

The younger girl stared from far below,

Admiration or envy, she didn't quite know.

Sis had a small nose, blue eyes with long lashes,

With 20/20 vision, she'd never worn glasses.

With the belt at her tiny waist

Cinched ever so tight,

Her jeans clung to her backside

Firm, sexy and tight.

Her unblemished skin, so soft and creamy,

Made swooning guys gather and agree she was dreamy.

Her hair was long and shimmered with highlights,

Blonde, of course, no split ends in sight.

The younger girl saw perfection in her older sister;

Thoughts that God loved Sis more started to fester.

Why was Sis destined for skinny and slim?

Petite, undersized, thin, slender, and trim?

The younger girl's thoughts were hurt and confused;

She'd spent her life bruised, shamed, and abused.

Looking toward Heaven the girl sobbed out loud,

"You were never there before, why would You be now?"

Then from behind her she felt 2 strong arms

Embrace her with gentleness ~ a hug safe and warm.

Turning she looked and there stood a lady,

Or was it an angel or some kind of fairy?

"Don't be afraid," the Being softly whispered.

Then she took the girl's hand, leaned over, and kissed it.

"I see your sadness and feel your pain.

You try to lose weight but you only gain.

I'm a master of food with a big bag of tricks,

Be my best friend and that weight you'll soon kick.

Your sister will be the one envying you

When you're smaller than her and wear a size 2!

Your friends and family will be mystified

At the gorgeous girl they once criticized.

You'll no longer hunger!

You'll no longer eat!

With me to help you

You'll accomplish this feat!

You'll have no need for cookies, ice cream and such,

You'll no longer dip, snack, lick, sip and munch.

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