Start from the beginning

But it still didn't stop. The voices just got louder. It's worse.

"Lilian!" I felt a gasp ripple through me. My lungs burned, as if I hadn't been breathing.

The whispers silenced but the throbbing in my head didn't go away.

I looked up only to be met with the worried golden eyes of a certain pixie.

I looked up only to be met with the worried golden eyes of a certain pixie

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"A-Alice.." My throat felt raw as I stuttered out her name. I felt something drip down my face. My hand shakily raised to my cheek, I expected salty tears but my eyes widened when I realized what it was.


"L-Lilian! What happened! Why is there blood and why are your eyes red and- oh god." Alice stuttered for words.

For the first time she didn't have a toothy smile. Her eyes didn't shine with happiness but with worry. She wasn't beaming but concerned.

"I don't know what's happening to me." I cried. I didn't want her to see me like this but the pain was overwhelming. Everything was just overwhelming.

I ripped a metal door off it's handles without touching it. I'm confused. I have more questions than answers.

'What the hell am I?'

"Lilian.. it's okay! I'm here, okay!? I'm here." Alice reassured and wrapped her arms around me, bringing me into a warm hug.

I felt my nose burn as more tears streamed down my face. Blood dripped from my eyes and ears but I couldn't seem to care.

I sobbed into her chest. I wanted to kick myself for crying in front of her, but I couldn't. I couldn't stop. She just felt so warm and safe, so I let it all out.

I screamed, sobbed, kicked. But she just held me tighter.

She didn't let me go. She was the one person, who didn't let me go.


"She's a powerful one, isn't she, Selene." A cloaked figure said, watching the scene from the purple mist.

"Indeed. It seems she's mated to cold ones, as well." The other cloacked figure agreed.

She let out a feathery laugh before swiping her hand through the hologram. The hologram shimmered slightly before fading out of existence.

"You reckon she'll need a watcher soon?" He questioned the elder as he fidgeted with the blue hue that surrounded his hand.

The unknown figure hummed. "I'm sure of it. Her powers seem to be awakening. Her power is strengthening by the day."

"But it's far too soon!" He protested, the hue caressing his hand retracted back into his skin.

"But she is a Swan. What do you expect?"

—Authors Note—

This chapters kinda sad 😔

This chapters kinda sad 😔

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It's sucky, but sad 😔

Here's the Alice and Lily moment 🦋

*Dodges the throwing knives and tomatoes*


Alice knows 🥴

What do you think she is? Guesses?

Why do you think they kept saying "unbalanced?"

Will Alice tell Jasper?

Why won't it stop?

How do you think Lilian feels about all this?

Who are the unknown people watching our dear Lilian?





Updated : 5.31.21

Word Count : 1517 words!

𝑇𝑤𝑜 𝑅𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑎 𝑆𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝐵𝑜𝑛𝑑¹ ,𝚃𝚆𝙸𝙻𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃Where stories live. Discover now