[09]: A Pair of Princes

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1813 London, England

"Daphne, if you apologize one more time, I may have to kill you." Vincent Reyes joked as he and Daphne Bridgerton were now walking around Greenwich. Violet Bridgerton had commissioned a yacht to bring both her family and the Reyes family. They had a picnic together and were enjoying each other's company. Daphne and Vincent went for a walk, but they were still visible to the rest of the family.

They were just out of hearing range.

"Well, I do apologize for my mother's quite obvious manipulations," Daphne said.

"It cannot really be a manipulation if I am enjoying myself. How many of your other suitors does she invite out to do this?" He asked and Daphne smiled.

"None." She said which made Vincent chuckle.

"And that makes me all the more worthy." He said.

"So you studied at university? What was your favorite subject?" Daphne asked and Vincent arched an eyebrow. He didn't know that she would be interested in his studies.

"Hmm, probably history and literature. Which I suppose was a good thing since there was no shortage of books on either topic." Vincent said.

"And what do you like most about it?" Daphne asked.

"Well, literature I favor more because I love seeing stories brought to life by words. You can tell when an author is very enthused by their work and it feels as if it makes the words more real, and it feels as if you are in the moment with them, experiencing what they are, exactly how it is happening." Vincent said. As Vincent described the feeling, Daphne looked at him in awe. And a smile did plaster across her face, which Vincent realized after he had fallen silent for a few and Daphne had not spoken. "What are you looking at?" He teased.

"Nothing..." Daphne said as she looked ahead.

"Then what were you smiling about?" Vincent asked. That she definitely was not going to tell him.

"I am not smiling," Daphne said as she straightened her facial features out.

"If you are not smiling, then you are either about to suffer a seizure or a sneeze," Vincent said.

"Neither, I am just enjoying the excellent weather," Daphne said and Vincent slightly nudged her arm.

"And the company is not that bad." He teased with a smile on his face.

"All of the company?" Daphne asked.

"Believe it or not, your brothers actually like me. Especially when I have Colin to vouch for me. But Delilah and Artemis serving as distractions do help." Vincent said.

"Ah, of course. A positive side of our families being intertwined so closely," Daphne said.

"It helps that Colin is also friends with Delilah... Artemis and Benedict are friends which seems to floor Anthony, so." Vincent said which made Daphne laugh.

"Why would it bother Anthony so much if Artemis and Benedict are friends, it is not as if they are courting," Daphne said.

"Honestly, I do think your brother is still feeling a bit sour that my sister chewed him out during our joined dinner about the 'reformed rakes' comment," Vincent said.

"Ah yes, the belief that reformed rakes make the very best husbands," Daphne said.

"And do you believe that Miss Bridgerton?" Vincent asked.

"I should not know. Surely, if the Duke is to propose to CeCe, then we all may find out." Daphne said and Vincent nodded his head and then he noticed Anthony was looking at them from afar. 

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