Intro: What is Gluten?

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There are two definitions of gluten. According to Merriam-Webster, gluten is "a tenacious elastic protein substance especially of wheat flour that gives cohesiveness to dough." However, the simplified definition is what makes bread, well, bread, pasta, pasta and cake, cake. It is why bread rises. It is why pasta flops on your fork when you go to put it in your mouth. Most people would say that gluten is what makes the texture of food good.

The problem is that some people cannot eat gluten. Like me. Gluten intolerant, Celiac Disease, or by choice are some reasons why people may not eat gluten containing foods. The worst part about these allergies or diseases (obviously the "by choice" does not apply here) is that there is no treatment or cure. The only thing that can be done is to be on a gluten free diet. And this my friends, is the reason for me writing this work.

Now that you habe some background, let's jump in, shall we?

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