Hours later, it's time for the Second Task. Fred and George walk around the docks, wind blowing harshly. Fred has a frown on his face as he looks for Carina, concerned about what Professor McGonagall might've said. "Oi, Weasley," Adrian makes his way to him, speaking lowly. "Have you seen Nina? She left this morning with McGonagall and I'm worried about what he might've said," says Adrian, referring to Montague.

They all trusted he wouldn't say anything, knowing he would be too scared to speak up about what happened. Adrian knew he'd made the right call by using Dark Magic, that caused Graham true fear. "I haven't seen her either," mumbles Fred, still searching for her with his eyes, biting the inside of his cheek. "Maybe she's already there?" He asks, pointing at the wooden stands that are in the middle of the lake.

"Where's Ron?" Mutters Hermione under her breath, sighing deeply, shaking her head. Harry had let them know the clue he got from the golden egg, thanks to Cedric's help. The Gryffindors and Carina learned the challenge had something to do with Merpeople and swimming in the Black Lake, much to Carina's dismay. After the boat ride to the middle of the lake, they arrive at the stands. Fred helps Hermione out of the boat before he goes back to looking for the Slytherin Princess.

George does the same thing, asking around for her. Unfortunately, nobody knows where she is, or Ron for that matter. Fred calms down slightly when he sees Montague standing a few rows back with Bole and Peregrine. "Do you think she's still with McGonagall?" Asks the older twin, resting his hands on the railing, squinting, deep in thought. "Forget it," he mutters when he spots McGonagall standing in the middle stand next to Dumbledore and the other Headmasters. "Fuck... Where is she?" His grip on the railing tightens unknowingly.

The four Champions make their way to the edge of the deck, Dumbledore, Maxime and Karkaroff standing beside them. "Welcome to the Second Task," says Dumbledore, amplifying his voice with a spell, wand against his neck. "This morning, something was stolen from each of our Champions... a treasure, of sorts," he adds. Harry glances around, seemingly unsure of his next step. "There are four treasures that lie on the bottom of the Black Lake. In order to win, each champion need only find their treasure and return to the surface." Fred isn't even listening to what the Headmaster's saying, his mind elsewhere.

"Simple enough, except for this: they will have one hour to do so, and one hour only. After that, they're on their own. No magic will save them," the four Champions assume their positions, ready to jump of the ledge. "It will begin at the sound of the cannon."

Harry bites the Gillyweed and swallows it down as fast as he can before the cannon goes off and they all jump in. Everyone loses sight of them for a minute when all of a sudden Harry flies out of the water with an exhilarating scream. As he swims around the water, he has a grin on his face. He's grown fish gills and his hands and feet are webbed, helping him swim faster around the murky and dark water. The boy decides to follow a shoal of fish, knowing they'd lead him somewhere. He stops in his tracks when he hears screams a few feet in front of him.

It's Fleur, getting attacked by a group of Grindylows, which he read up on before this Task. They are vicious water demons. They are extremely territorial and aggressive. In no time, they are forcing her to retire from the lake, swarming her relentlessly, until the girl can't do anything other than give up.

"The Beauxbatons Champion, Miss Delacour has unfortunately been forced to retire," exclaims the Headmaster. The Beauxbatons girls hastily walk over to their friend, hugging and comforting her as she exits the challenge.

Fred scrunches his nose, crossing his arms across his chest as he tries to figure out where Carina may be. "She's okay," he hears Lee say, trying to reassure both twins. George hums in agreement, though he's not entirely sure himself. After everything that's happened, they can't really trust that she's safe and sound.

for the one i love ; fred weasleyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat