When I raised my head, I saw Chidimma Obi sitting beside Mike. She was the deputy senior prefect. That girl sef. I know it will be sweeting her that she would be spending more time with him as he's the main. Yeye chaid (in jenifa's voice)

She was the most beautiful girl amongst my set girls. Tall and fair and endowed too. With no pimple, like not even one. Ij told me hat she used to live in Abuja. Like I care, Everytime she'll just be forming posh. And her English is also flawless. Whatever.

And it has been some sort of tradition for senior prefects to be in a relationship with their deputy. It's not mandatory or anything but it has occurred repeatedly so we assume it as a tradition. If happened with the set before us and the one before them and so on. Rubbish.

And the worst part of it is that she is good at Math. She's in art class but she's that good at math. She'll always be like "oh me? I want to study accounting. Of course I have to be in love with mathematics. With that stupid accent of hers. Like I said, rubbish.

I face palmed myself and cringed at my line of thoughts. I sound like a jealous second wife. God, forgive me and rid my head of all these thoughts. Rid my hearts if these feelings

I opened my eyes and it locked with his. Then my heart started pounding. Again. I looked away. It seems like I have to fast and pray about these feelings raging inside me. It's getting out of hand.

Then our Dean walked in with a list of names. Another competition? I'm not in the mood. He called out the names of students that'll participate.

The day passed in a blur and I got into better moods. I will not let a boy determine whether or not I'll be happy. When the bell went off for school over, Ij came to my class. She had to stand outside for sometime because our biology teacher decided not to leave the class. Some teachers eeh.

"Guess what I decided today Ij?" I said packing my books away.

"What?" She said helping me.

"Well, as of today, my crush on Mike is officially over. That letter I wrote, I'm going to tear it an forget that I ever felt something for him."

"Yas! That's the spirit girlfriend!" She high fived me and danced around a bit.

Still laughing at her antics, I put my hand to where I always kept it and froze.

"What is it?" Ij asked when are saw the look on my face.

I felt around the area again frantically and my heart flew to my mouth when I couldn't feel it "Oh no,no,no!"

"Kamso what is it?" Ij asked running to my side.

"The letter. I can't find it. Ij, I can't find the letter!" I ransacked my drawer and started bringing out my books

"Ij what am I going to do? What if someone picks it up and disgraces me!" I said holding firmly onto her hand nearly squeezing the life out of her.

"Girlfriend calm down. Take a deep breath." She said looking at me pointedly.

"I'm calm. I'm calm. Oh my God, what do I do?" She helped me bring out all my books and we searched for it everywhere. But still no show.

"Think of the last you kept it." She said biting her index finger.

I rolled my eyes annoyed at the question "If I knew, would we be searching for it right now?"

"Biko don't finish me oo. I was just trying to help.

"I'm sorry." I said slumping down on my chair in defeat. "It's just that I always kept it here." I said touching the particular spot.

"What is going on here?" We were both startled by the voice and I almost fell off my seat. I looked up to see Mr Mbazu.

Ij rolled her eyes "I forgot he was on duty today." She mouthed. Then turning to the door because she had her back to it before

"Nothing sir. We were just leaving." She said.

"Rush to your hostels immediately." He said and then walked away. We packed the books back and went to the hostel.

When I came to class later in the afternoon for prep, I was so antsy. Could this day get any worse?

First, I was looking for my letter. Second, Ij and I missed out on lunch because we got to the dinning hall later than usual. And when I wanted to bring out some provision for us, I found out that I forgot my keys in the class.

So now, I'm in the class with my school uniform instead of day wear. I didn't even eat breakfast because I woke up late this morning. Ugh. It's one of those days when nothing ever goes right.

It's all his fault. My life wouldn't be like this in I wasn't crushing on him. I thought.

I started unpacking my books again maybe I missed it when I emptied my locker I put my head in just to be sure. I still had my head inside my locker when I heard his voice it sounded like he was beside me. Oh my God.

I've always crushed on him from afar, I've never even talk to him before. Oluwa I need you.

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