[ 🤍 Extra: Confession 🤍 ]

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Hello! I would add a confession to this series but it just didn't fit :(( I like my stories to be short and even numbers 😭 Idek why. But! Enjoy this short story! :D


When Kyōtani got home, which was around during the afternoon, he laid on his bed. There was almost nothing for him to do, so he was left bored alone.

Until, he remembered that he had Yahaba's number. Quickly, he got up from his bed and ran towards his duffle bad, shuffling for the pair of pants that held the paper.

When he got it, he unfolded it and typed the number.

This Yahaba?

Whos this?

Oh uhm- Kyōtani?


Lol, this is Yahaba then



About that kiss-

Oh- uh😭😭

We can talk about
it tomorrow, wanna
go out with me somewhere?

That was sudden


Alr, meet
me here at 11am

Ily, goodnight

It's so early-?

Wait wtf do you
mean "ily"


That was confusing- why did he say "ily"
at the end- why did he kiss me- wait does that mean-. When the thought came to my head, I felt my face burn, making me smack my cheeks with both of my palms.

"Maybe I should go to bed to..." I sighed and went back to my bed to sleep.


That day, I decided to walk to the place Yahaba told me to go to, it wasn't that far and it was nice to get fresh air. In the reflection of the buildings window, j saw my hair was over growing a bit and wasn't to my liking, "
God I need a haircut-," "Nah, I think it looks good like that," someone behind me commented, and from the reflection I saw Yahaba.

The way he dressed was way different from camp, he wore a beige baggy sweater with light wash jeans and white air forces with big oversized circle glasses- it was adorable.

"Hey!" He said with his usual peppy voice and bright smile, "Hey...".

What I wore was a normal black solid hoodie with black jeans and black sneakers- I feel underdressed.

Yahaba proudly grabbed my hand, "Now c'mon, I'm thirsty," he told me, then I noticed that it was a boba shop, guess that means I'm paying...


After I payed for our drinks, we took a seat at a small table outside. I watched as the different cars and people passed by, "So, about the kiss..." he says, catching my attention, his fingers were fidgeting with each other.

"I kinda- meant it... Sorry if I made you uncomfortable!" He tells me awkwardly and then started scratching the back of his head.

"No... You didn't..." he sighs of relief, "I kinda liked it..." I thought out loud-



Silence and awkwardness filled the air, and that's when Yahaba came with the biggest ice breaker ever.

"I like you..."

There was just more silence.. Do I like Yahaba back? He does make me feel- weird, but I've never been good with feelings. God this is so fucking hard for what.

When he kissed me- it felt good- so does that mean I like him? I must me worrying him, I've been too quiet.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck-

"I like you too..."

How did I come up with that? Mostly because I wanted him to kiss me again... Sorry, I'm a weirdo- wait who am I talking to?

Yahaba's face lit up, "So- do you think we can try things out?" he asked me and I nodded, "Sure,".

He smiled at me and began drinking his boba once more.

Did I just get a boyfriend before Iwaizumi? Yes I fucking did. Suck on that you dumb bitch-

"KYŌ LOOK OH MY FUCKING GOD HE HAS A SNAKE I WANNA GO HOLD IT NOWWWW!!!" Yahaba yelled and jumped from his chair when he saw some guy showing off his snake, but before I could respond he ran off. Guess I have no other choice but to follow him- what a cute idiot.


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