Only one chapter:BBRAEBDAY

Start from the beginning

RV: It was, my mother.

CB: I'm really sorry, Rae-Rae. Why did you say that you didn't want to be born?

RV: Let me explain-we sat on the edge of the fountain and he told me-My father and my mother were a happy marriage, they loved each other very much. My mother, giving birth to me, died a little after I was born. My father had to take care of me, his daughter, and I never knew the love of a mother. My father was able to save her, but I don't know why he didn't. I hate my birthday for that, if I had not been born, surely my father and mother would have been happy without me-I pulled her towards me and we hugged.

CB: Don't say that, Raven, sure your mother wanted things to happen as they are and that's why your father didn't save her, to fulfill her will. Nor do I think they would have been happier without you, since if they had you it was because they wanted a son or daughter. Your father raised you as best he could, and regarding the love of a mother, that explains and forgives your being cold and responding. Your mother would be very proud of you, do you understand? "She nodded several times and hugged me again.

RV: Thank you-he kissed my cheek and took off his hood. He smiled at me and I smiled at him-Let's go back to the party.

We returned to the garden from the party, but no one heard that we had arrived and we overheard a conversation that was pretended to be secret.

Tr: That's why Raven hates her birthday.

St: Poor friend Raven! "The Titans were wiping away their tears.

Ab: I liked Arella, but I like your new wife better, with whom you have had your three new children.

Tr: Mom!Ab: What? She was not the best option for you.

Beside me, Raven was enraged, her skin turned black, her eyes yellow, she fell forward on all fours, became huge and transformed into a gigantic monster. Rage had consumed her.

RV: Don't you ever talk about my mother like that again! Never! "She started freezing things and swallowing people, including her father, grandmother, and so on.Raven's little siblings came up behind me, terrified. It was just them and the Titans left.

RB: Beast Boy! Use your wish to undo all this! "Raven absorbed it.Cyborg handed me a cake and Starfire lit the candle, and then they were sucked in.

CB: I wish ... I wish ...- I looked at Raven first with fear, then with compassion and finally with decision, so I put the cake on the floor and approached her-Raven! Stop!She turned to me and returned to her demon form. Stood in front of me

RV: What do you want?

I didn't say anything, I took her by the shoulders to stop her floating, I took her by the cheeks and kissed her. He went from demon to human form and put his arms around my neck. A light enveloped us and everything Raven swallowed was safe and sound again. We parted flushed a few seconds later.

CB: Well ... I ...

RV: This ... wow ...We look into each other's eyes and smile.

CB: Happy birthday, Rae-Rae.

RV: Happy birthday-break-Garfield.

I was very surprised, as only the Doom Patrol knew my name.

CB: Don't call me that again!

RV: What, Garfield? "She laughed.

CB: Do you think you are very smart, eh? "I looked at her defiantly" Well then, "I took off her cape.

RV: Beast Boy! Give me back my cloak! "She said, between annoyed and between laughs.

CB: Now you call me Beast Boy, right? -She threw herself on top of me and I stayed below and she above-.

RV: You can't play games with me, Gar-he took off my cloak and put it on, hood not included.

CB: Don't call me that! -This time I got angry, I pushed her and it was I who fell on top of her-.We both looked at each other angrily, but then we laughed in each other's faces and I fell next to him, lying on the grass, laughing non-stop and red.

Cy: Have you finished already, lovebirds?

RB: How cheesy.After that, Raven and I blew out the candles on the cake after making the wish. We went back to the terrace and Rae hugged me.

CB: And that?

RV: Thanks to you, I no longer hate my birthday.

CB: You're welcome-pause-Rachel-I raised my eyebrows several times.

RV: You can't help it! -He whispered afterwards- But I like that. Happy 17th birthday.

CB: How ...? I'm 15.

RV-shook his head-I know you're a year older than me, and all this time you've been lying about your age, but it doesn't matter.

CB: But how ...?

RV: -Put a finger to my lips-I have my tricks.We laughed softly and hugged each other again, happy to have our birthday the same day.THE END

Me:I hope you liked this One-Shot. When I saw the chapter, I was very excited because it was another BBRAE chapter. See you! ❤️❤️❤️

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