|| 1. Crimson Blood, Strawberry Tea

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----- Alice and 2 Wonderland Armies
|| 1. Crimson Blood, Strawberry Tea

"Even just caring for somebody is already heroic so go on and become a hero for someone

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"Even just caring for somebody is already heroic so go on and become a hero for someone."

Land of Magic, Cradle, the 6th Full Moon, Year of Peace...

       "MOST likely, the magic disciples that followed Amon Jabberwock from Magic Tower will be our problem. They will definitely avenge Amon. Moreover, they managed to free Amon from the seal that King Lancelot had cast on him. Because of that, the peace conference between Black Army and us wouldn't be held at the Civic Center. Civic Center will be a bait for our enemy," Jonah Clemence, the Queen of Hearts explained to the other chosen-thirteen. Jonah looked at his king, Lancelot Kingsley.

       Lancelot seems to be thinking about something. "In that case, I want the chosen-thirteen to spread while protect Alice. We cannot put her in any kind of dangers, especially if she is our symbol of peace," said Lancelot.

       "Do you have any plans, my king?" Jonah asked seriously.

       "This conference is an important ceremony for the future of Cradle, for both Red Army and Black Army. Even though there are other threats, we just need to focus on Amon and his disciples. For the chosen-thirteen, deploy your units to protect Alice during the trip!" Lancelot explained his plan and ended it with a command.

       "Jonah, I'll leave the rest to you. Strengthen our defenses!" Lancelot commanded.

       Jonah immediately clenched his right fist and pressed it against his left chest, where his heart was beating, giving a sign of respect. "Roger that!"

       "You can go now," Lancelot dispersed the troops. After making sure everyone disappeared behind the door of his room, Lancelot plopped down on his chair and let out a tired sigh.

       Knock! Knock! "King Lancelot, may I come in?" someone asked from behind the door. Lancelot knew the owner of that voice. The voice belonged to the only woman at Red Army Headquarters. It was you, [Y/N], Alice the Second. Lancelot corrected his sitting position.

       "Come in!"

       You entered and immediately closed the door of Lancelot's room, walking closer to his desk. You moved a cup of strawberry tea that Lancelot had ordered the tray. After that, you walked back to face Lancelot. "I saw the chosen-thirteen come out from this room earlier. Did you guys just finish the meeting?" you asked.

       After sipping the warm tea you made for him, Lancelot rested his chin on his palm. "You're right. Until the peace conference of Red Army and Black Army arrives, we'll be very busy."

       You gripped the silver tray tighter. You slightly lowered your head. "I'm sorry, you have to come up with all kind of complex strategies to protect me like this," you whispered. "If it's possible, I also want to help you guys! I'm sure my repelling ability is still working. Moreover, Professor Dean has helped me perfect this ability."

       Lancelot sighed. "Alice, you don't need to take this too far. Just... think about what you will say and do at the conference."     


       "Alice!" Lancelot called you, commanding you to stop before you could finish your protest. "You will be ruler for a day. On this one day, I want you to stop worrying about everything. Your safety is our priority. We don't know what will happen and I'm afraid all your sacrifices will go to waste. Do you want the conflict between the two armies to break out again?"

       You lowered and shook your head slowly.

       "Is that clear enough?" he asked you again

       Once again you nodded. "I understand, my king," you muttered. You can't do anything else.

A/N : Hello, hello, we meet again

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A/N : Hello, hello, we meet again. How are you? Are you all well? I'm just trying to say that nearly seventy percent of this book will be set from after Lancelot's route. I really like his route and the remaining thirty percent I mix with Ray's route and the other routes. Hope it's okay for you guys. Don't forget to vote and comment, I love you. See you in the next chapter and bye!

Alice and 2 Wonderland Armies
March, 2021

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