Part 3

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William pov:
Hugs his wife very tightly but not to hard on her baby bump
"We are going to have another girl!"
Kisses Clara's face a few time before he stops to rub her stomach with pure happiness that can be seen
'No one will ever hurt my baby girl'

Runs up to her mom and starts to say how she will be the best big sister to her new sister
"And I will never let anyone hurt her ever as long as I live!"

Is holding Freadbear and smiles
"Yay another sister!"
'If she is like Liz she will most likely not like Mike with how scary he is'

'Hmm I should make sure to be careful with her she could be very fragile and weak so I shouldn't scare Chris when she is in the room'
"Eh, I guess it's cool to have another sister in the house..."

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