"Ugh, I can't listen to this." Kelly, who hadn't let go of my arm once since we arrived, was taking off for the ladies room on the other side of the gym before I could even question her abrupt exit.

"And now, the moment we've been waiting for." Mohawk guy was joined by the rest of his band mates. One took up his drum sticks and started beating out a rhythm while the other started strumming on an guitar. "You're newly crowned king and queen...Amber Starkey and Brad Cooper."

At his words a spot light lit up, illuminating the staircase entrance were they arrived like a vision.

Amber looked stunning. She was covered up more than the other girls in the room, but somehow was a million times sexier. In a skin tight sleeveless black dress that reached the top of her neck and fell all the way down to the floor. Vertical rows of diamond crystals ran in lines down the dress, accentuating her curves and seeming to flow with her as she walked. With each step down the stairs the high slit in her dress showed off one of her tanned legs and had me gritting my teeth.

"Stunning, isn't she?" I tore my eyes away from Amber long enough to look over and find her friend from class had joined me.

"Umm...sure." I turned back to find Amber and Brad had made their way to a cleared section of the dance floor. The other students parting to watch as he took her in his arms. When she turned I was able to see that while the rest of her dress may be conservative compared to others, the back was completely missing from her neck to just above her ass. She had her long hair pulled up, twisting into the crown on her head.

"Well, at least try to stop drooling before your date comes back." She called me out on my bullshit. "I'm Lindsey by the way."

"Alek." I introduced myself without once taking my eyes away from the dancing forms. This is why it hadn't been a good idea for me to come. I didn't want to have to watch this all night. I was better off back at the compound, oblivious to this. Instead, it was taking everything within me not to storm to the middle of the dance floor and snatch Amber away from the human.

"Trust me, I know who you are." Lindsey laughed, not offended at all by my inattention. "They look great together don't they?"

They did. He was light to her dark. They danced to that slow song as though they had done it a million times, completely comfortable moving in sync together. And I hated it.

I hated when he spun her in his arms, causing a genuine laugh to escape her. I hated how happy she looked. How content. That is until out eyes met over Brad's shoulder. Only then did she falter, her smile fading a notch.

"You'd never guess they weren't a couple anymore, would you?"

"No." I muttered, then her words meaning hit me. "Wait...what do you mean they're not together?"

Lindsey threw me a sideways knowing smile. "They've been broken up since last spring. Though Brad would love nothing more than to change that fact."

I hadn't realized until that moment how much it had bothered me that Amber was dating the human. Until I felt lighter, the muscles in my shoulders seeming to unknot.

Suddenly, Lindsey turned planting herself in my direct eyesight, trying to cut off my vision of Amber dancing over her shoulder. "Look. I don't know you. But for some reason Amber has some sort of connection to you."

"She told you that?" So this wasn't one sided.

"Not in so many words" Lindsey shrugged her shoulders. "But she's my best friend and I know everything that goes on with her. My point is you better not make me regret telling you that, you better not hurt my girl."

"I don't think I could hurt her. We aren't even talking at the moment." I pointed out. Just because she wasn't dating the human didn't mean anything. Not when she was here as his date, dancing in his arms. Arms I was still sorely tempted to break.

"Just don't." Lindsey pinned me with a glare. It was clear she wouldn't drop the subject until I relented.

"Fine I won't make you regret it." I huffed, as the song finally ended to applause from the audience.

"Oh, and don't lead Kelly on tonight." Lindsey added as she turned to walk away. "There's already enough jealousy between the two, I don't want to have to put out another cat fight."

"She knows we're just here as friends." I had made that clear before I even arrived tonight. And she had seemed completely fine with that.

"Good." She turned to wink at me. "Good luck tonight."

She disappeared into the crowd as the band picked up a faster pace and as one the mass of students started moving to the beat.

"Thank god that's over." Kelly materialized back at my side as though by magic. "Now we can finally have some fun."

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