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(Sorry this took so long! Also please follow me on Instagram so I can connect with you all more! I'm anime_sweetkins on there too. Enjoy💖🌸)

No One's P.O.V

"WHAT THE HELL!" Izuku screamed at the half hot half cold male. He stomped over to where Shoto stood proudly.

"That's private. Just because you are obsessed with me doesnt mean you go and show people my personal life." Izuku said sternly. The red and white haired male didnt take it seriously at all.

"Oh shush. I'm not obsessed with you. Your probobly only with Sero for a rebound after Bakugo." Todoroki said which pissed Izuku off. Izuku landed a left hook punch to Todoroki's face, anger flowing through his vains. As soon as his fist hit Todoroki's face, he stormed out to find Hanta.


As he rounded the corner, he saw Hanta curled into a ball behind the school.

Hanta-.." Izuku let out a sigh. Hanta looked up and tried to stand, stumbling a little because he hurt his ankle.

"You can stay there. You dont have to move." Izuku reassured Hanta. He laid next to Hanta as he cryed in his arms. The two sat there until it started to rain. Once the rain started to pour, Hanta spoke up.

"I love the rain." Hanta said with a small smile.

"Me too." Izuku agreed. Both stood and began to dance in the rain. Slow danceing to be exact. The two were so close together. There bodys produced warmth for each other while the cold rain poured down on them.

"I love you, Hanta" Izuku let out a breath.

"I-I love you too, Izu" Hanta smiled. The danced closer getting soaked in the cold rain in the middle of a bare field. The field only had the concrete they where standing on and some benches. Class 1-A looked out the window of the class to look at the rain. Some looking down and spotting the two danceing.

"Guys. Look." Mina whispered to Denki and Kirishima. Denki and Kiri smiled, happy for their best bro.

Down with the two who are danceing, Izuku began to sing Butterfly's Repose by Zabawa.

"But it's time to rest, now. Let it all melt, now. Wipe your tears. The suns already set, now." Izuku sang lowly. Hanta smiled. After skipping some words of the song, Izuku starts to sing again.

"Cause I'm right here. Darling, I'm right here. Close your pretty eyes. My Butterfly. Baby, have no fear." He finishes singing and smiles. Mina Denki and Kiri all leave the classroom and head to where the two are. But before they left the asked Momo if she wanted to come so Mina had someone to dance with. Once the made it down there they saw the two so happy to be danceing in the rain that was pouring on them.

"Can we join?" Mina asked. The two turned their heads in suprise.

"Yeah." Hanta responded. The 6 people began to dance with their partners in the rain. Some time later, students from other classes came down and asked to dance too. Someone put on slow danceing music for everyone. People like Mei Hatsumei and Tenya Iida danced together. As well as, Kendo and Tetsutetsu, Monoma and Shinsou, Tsuyu and Tokoyami, and more. Even people none of them have met yet from other classes. Classes from around the school all came outside to dance in the rain with their significant others. Teaches came out and danced to like, Present Mic and Aizawa. It was like a formal school dance but not so formal and outside while it rained. It was so romantic. Many people from other classes confessed to their crushes and danced together. By the end of it all, everyone was soaked and cold but happy. Peiple walked to their dorm with smiles on their faces. Making this a night to remember, people took poloroid pictures together. Sero and Izuku stood together as Kirishima took their picture.


When Hanta got back to his room with the picture, he changed then posted it up in the wall(he had one of those string light wall decorations that had the clips so you could hang pictures on it. I hope that makes sense). He laughed quietly to himself as he layed on his bed for the night. A smile present on his face.


729 words.
Sorry this is so short and took so long to post. I had writers block again😭. Have a good day/night/afternoon! Love you all!
🍡  🎀  𝒮𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉𝓀𝒾𝓃𝓈  🎀  🍡

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