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You drop to the floor and start to cry., "Please, Finley, I'll do anything! Just please stop this! Please I beg you, just leave me alone, I can't do this anymore!"., he knelt down beside you, put his index finger and middle finger under your chin and lifted your head up., "I'll never leave you alone, you should know that by now".

Y/n jolted up, screamed and started to hyperventilate., "it...was just a...dream, it was just a...a dream, i-it was...just a dream"., she grabbed the leather, tanned coloured dream journal, flicked through the used pages, grabbed her quill and started writing it down.

Her life is not as amazing as she lead on, she always puts on a sweet smile, never wanting to burden anyone with her problems because she knows nobody deserves that type of pain she endures. An abusive ex, bad parents who call her every bad name under the sun whenever they have a chance, along with hitting her.

You have nobody to talk to about this, all of your of family members, the ones who treated her so kindly are six feet under, they killed them so no matter what you do, you would have no-one and they can continue what they do.

The only way she could get it all out was write out on paper, all though they would never really leave her head, they would leave for a little while and that was the best she could do, she considered just obliviating herself so many times.

But the very few good memories she had she didn't want to loose them, they were the only things that are keeping her alive., she couldn't even begin to understand why her parents hated her so much, she did nothing to them, absolutely nothing to deserve this type of pain.

You closed her journal, put it on her bedside table and placed her quill down. You let out a loud sigh and shifted your body around and placed your feet down, sinking your feet into your slippers., you decide to try and get your mind off it so you lifted yourself up off of the soft mattress, and reached over to grab your wand.

Time to explore

You started to walk over to your cabinet, grabbing out a light pink sweater, put it on and put your h/l h/c hair up in your favourite h/s., you put your wand in your sleeve and started to make your way out of your quarters.

As you closed the door you pulled your wand out of your sleeve., "Lumos"., a light appeared at the end of your wand and you started walking down the Charms corridor., "ooo, what's this?"., she looked at the statue, it was a statue of a humpbacked witch.

You held your wand up to see it more and saw a hidden door in her hump., you opened it and it revealed a secret passage., "woah"., you stepped her foot in it was completely dark and you started to chickened out., "uh, m-maybe another time".

You quickly shut the door and started briskly walking down to the first floor, because apparently the second floor just contained a few bathrooms and The Defence Against The Dark Arts Office, nothing she really wanted to see.

You arrived on the first floor and saw four big hour glasses filled with coloured sand., blue, red, yellow and green., there is writing on them but you couldn't make it out because it was to dark so you brought your wand up to the one with the blue sand in it., "Ravenclaw".

You moved your wand to the one with the red sand in it., "Gryffindor, oh these are the house points"., the bottom of the glasses were empty at the moment but they would be filled soon enough.

The rest of this floor was just a few classrooms, including the Defence Against The Dark Arts Classroom and The History Of Magic Classroom, again nothing you really wanted to see but there is a big marble staircase that goes down to the ground floor.

You looked down to the ground floor and saw big oak doors with two armour statues on side of them, you started walking down big marble staircase and heard some footsteps coming, not knowing where they're coming from because of how big the castle is.

"Oh no, I'm going to get in trouble"., you began to run, not realising you were running straight to them., your body came into contact with another and you let out a little oof as you fell on the floor., he crossed his arms and shook his head.

"You really need to watch where you're going, Miss Y/n"., you looked up to see Professor Snape., "I'm sorry, sir, I was running because for some reason I thought I would be getting in trouble"., his rolled his eyes at you and sighed in frustration.

"You're a teacher, Miss Y/n, you didn't need to run"., "I'm aware, sir, it's an instinct reaction to run away for me"., "perhaps it would be useful to you if you were to purchase a pair of glasses"., you fought the urge to roll your eyes and just scoffed instead".

He chose to ignore your scoff and held out his hand to help you up., he looked at the clock on the wall., "it is 12am, shouldn't you be asleep, Miss Y/n?"., "well if it's 12am, shouldn't you be asleep, sir?"., you smirked but it quickly went away and you immediately regretted your attitude when he raised his eyebrows and stepped forward.

"You will not...use such attitude with me"., this time you rolled her eyes and crossed your arms, refusing to back down from him., he clenched his jaw and glared at you., "do NOT...roll your eyes at me, L/n".

Your breath hitched and you stepped back a bit, incredibly intimidated by him, but you weren't going to let him know that., he read your thoughts and smirked., "I-I'm just...t-to excited to start my classes that I couldn't sleep at the moment and I'm also exploring the castle".

He shook his head and let out a sigh., now knowing how intimidated you with him, the smallest of smirks appeared on his face., he got closer to you and you started to get more nervous., "I don't appreciate being lied to, Miss Y/n".

You stepped back and he stepped forward, both of you repeated this action until your back came into contact with the wall., "u-uh, I-I'm not l-lying, sir"., "really?"., you felt his warm breath on your skin and you looked down at his lips for a brief moment and looked back up at him.

"W-well...partly, anyway, u-uh"., you started to think of anything to change the subject of how much you wanted to kiss him., "w-what are you doing walking around the corridors, sir?"., "I don't believe that's any of your business, L/n".

"Uh, I'm sorry, sir...well, I-I think I better get some sleep., Severus realised how close he was to you so he backed up and cleared his throat., "yes...well, have a good sleep, Miss Y/n"., she smiled nervously and waved., "you too, sir".

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