chapter 13

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Haley POV

I wake up the next morning and walk down stairs.

I walk in to the boys talking. They didn't see me so I hid so I can hear their conversation.

"All I wanted to do was keep them here guys". I hear Luke say.

"We all know you wanted to save them from James.". Michael laughed.

"What so you guys diden't want to save them from him"? Luke asked.

"Of course we did, we love them like our sister you love Haley like you girlfriend". Ashton said joining in.

"Shut up no that's not it at all". Luke says.

"Sure" . Michael said.

That's when I walk in pretending I didn't

Hear anything.

"Good morning". I say.

"Hey girly girl". Ashton giggles. I glare at him. He knows I hate being called that.

"Morning". Luke says.

"Hi". Michael says.

Calum comes and hugs me tight.

I see Luke glaring.

Calum laughs

Then Samantha comes down.

"Good morning". Samantha says scratching her head.

"Hi". All the boys say.

I go and hug her.

"I have a question"! Samantha shouts.

"What is it"?. Calum asked.

"Why do you giys care that much to save us from that horrible guy"? Samantha asked.

"Beacuse Lu-" Ashton got cut off by Luke.

"Because he treats to many people badly". Luke says.

"No that's not it at all". Michael says sipping from his mug of coffee.

"What is it then"? I say smirking raising an eyebrow.

"Luke has a crush on Haley". Calum said.

"Shut up!". Luke yells at calum. I blush.

Luke see's and quickly turns from mad to blushing as well. I smile.

I look at Samantha and she is smirking.

"What?" I say.

"You know what". She says and her and Calum, Ashton and Michael start laughing.

Me and Luke stand there.

"Whatever". Me and Luke say.

"I'm taking a shower". I say walk up stairs.

"I will take one too". Samantha says.

"Your own right haha". I laugh.

"Haha". She says.

Me and Samantha go to our own rooms and take our showers. After I'm done I look in the mirror and see the red tips of my hair are fading. Michael is goin have to re do my dye. Ill ask him when I'm dressed.

I walk into my closet and choose to where a shirt that says Irish chick, dark blue shorts, galaxy vans and a beanie that says dork on it.

I walk down stairs to see the boys and Samantha.

"Finally you take 3 hours to take a shower". Calum said. I roll my eyes and smile.

"what are we doing today?" I ask.

"LAZY DAY WITH PIZZA!" Michael yelled.

"Yay!". I say.

"Fine but we are watching movies as well". Ashton said.

"Duh!" Calum said.

"I have the biggest bed so my room!" Ashton yelled running to his room.

We all follow him to his room.

"You guys pic a movie I'm goin change since we are have a lazy day,  by the way Michael re dye my tips tomorrow?". I ask.

He nods running tk grab pillows and blankets.

I go change into pj shorts stay in my Irish chick shirt but put on an over sized green day jacket with no zipper.

I walk back to the room and see everyone snuggled up on the huge bed.

Calum runs up to me and picks me up and puts me next to look and Michael is on the other side of my then Samantha Ashton and last Calum on the edge but there is enough room so he won't fall off.

The first movie we watched was Friday the 13th. Dang it I hate scary movies!!

When the movie ended it was 3:00. We watched a lot more scary movies and I screamed at all of them and when I did I would I hide my face behind Luke and the boys would laugh at me.

The last scary movie we watched it was 11:00 and I was getting sleepy. During the movie we we're watching I fell asleep cuddling with Luke.

Next morning everyone was still sleeping and I fell right back asleep aswell.


Boys are annoying through lol

Love you guys so much thank yoy for voting!!!!!!!!!  And I would love you guys to keep voting and plz let me know if I'm doing good and plz get my story popular!!


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