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—Remember read at your own risk😛 and what happens is not my fault😼

👀there will be cussing also in this AU🥳
( • . •) want this dango?
/ >🍡


( • - •) No, it's mine
🍡< \

⚠️Spider Gon AU⚠️

🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌⚠️Spider Gon AU⚠️

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


In a room chained up, a green haired boy that looks like he hasn't cleaned up in awhile. With hand and legs tied with chains, that goes out to the ceiling and the floor. Green haired boy was in critical condition, with blood flowing down to the ground and the wound wasn't new at all. He was left with old and new wounds, even  Killua had this happen to him before. But it wasn't as worse as Gons right now. The poor boy chained up and no sun light, the only form of light. Was the bulb that was hanging on the ceiling, even that form of light was flickering as if it was gonna die down soon. As a little movement came from the boy, he groaned.
With a musty voice, it all most what sounded like he hasn't use the voice in years. If you didn't know the story, of why he was like this. The phantom troupe would explain it and Feitan.

"Damn the shorty and his little hobby of torturing", Gon whisper yelled at no one. Well it also make sense cuz he also took Killuas, side of the shortys beating. He bet Killua is most likely to be unconscious, because he begged them to leave Killua alone. Gon is slowly losing his sanity. literally he was laughing, when the emo shorty began his tiny little torture. But his memories with his friends and his people kept him from it, barely though. "Damn my whole body is hurting as fuck!" thought Gon, also heard steps slowly coming and stopping in front of the room he was in. Gon sighs, better not be the samurai looking asshole Gon thinks. The door flung open! And God was not on his side, Gon swears that the door will break. From all the swinging, he could swear the door didn't swing that way. Look at his making jokes in his head. And by the looks of it He didn't have a good luck, it was the samurai wannabe. Damn what has he done for God to do this to him? Gon though and by the looks of the wannabes face he was gonna pull something? Gon cursed his whole life inside his little head. "Hello Gon" says Nobunaga, Gon rolled his eyes. "What do you want samurai?" Gon said with his horsed voice, damn he really needed water just about now. Nobunaga takes his step towards Gon with a evil smirk. He lowed his height that matched Gon, who was kneeling on the floor. He clenched Gons face with force, Gon was really drowsy from the shit, that he has been though the past week? He didn't know how much days has passed. With a clink sound of his sword and clothes that was rustling onto the floor. Gon was gonna almost puke from Nobunagas ugly face. "I want to make a deal with you Gon," Gon interrupted "I will n-" then it was Nobunagas turn to interrupt "But this time you can't refuse!"

He clenched Gon jaw harder, Gon was intrigued so he listened this time. what is the deal gonna be? Gon thought. As he saw Nobunagas evil glint around his eyes, Gon knew then and there..... What Nobunaga was gonna offer he will not like. As on command Nobunaga said "You and your precious people, will be safe. If you join, if not they will be exterminated." Gon widened his eyes and Nobunagas hand slip back to himself. As he stand up and looked at Gon again with a smirk. That little bastard, I will kill him once I get the chance! Gon literally planning how to murder him in 20 different way, inside his little head. Gon calmed down, he knew Nobunaga knew what he will chose already. Nobunaga probably wanted to torment him, Gon said in his head. "I- I will join" Gon said with disgust. Nobunaga literally smirking with a cheeky grin. The chains them disappeared from Gon "that's literally great cuz I knew you will join eventually and so we already tattooed our mark and your number 11"
What will happen next?😛 Will Gon take his revenge on the phantom troupe and kill them? Will he tell what happen to his friends? Or will he let them blame him for everything?
(comments please😸 how was the chapter?)


Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dango🍡 anyone?😸 and sorry for the short chapter😊

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Dango🍡 anyone?😸 and sorry for the short chapter😊

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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