~16~ The Smell of Metal and Incense

Start from the beginning

Sirens blared throughout the factory, Sophie banging her knee against the table. Sophie cursed, pulling out the last drawer in hopes of finding something-

An evidence chest was built into the very bottom of the drawer, made of solid titanium. What would they need an evidence safe for?

Sophie plucked the keys off the guard's belt, still asleep on the floor, flipping through the keys before a small silver key clicked into place.

In it was the ledger, smartly tucked at the very bottom. But atop it was a small Inalian style leather-bound journal, secured with a small bronze lock. A strategy journal, just like the one her father had. An unknown family crest was stamped into the back with the initials C.E. The small red ribbon was the thing that made Sophie's blood run cold.

An empty arrowhead stitched on with golden thread in the middle of the ribbon. This belonged to a Cyevan Assassin.

Sophie heard the stomping of guard boots grow closer, but she remained too focused to move. She tucked the leather journal into her jacket and pulled out the large ledger, flipping through the names.

It was the perfect list for her guild—all of the corrupt politicians, businessmen, and plain old criminals endorsing the project.

She flipped back to the beginning, where she noticed the largest numbers resided, scanning through the names. And then she saw it.

Right next to an outrageous number of credits, the Esposita family was written in the thick ledger pages. The Esposita family was sponsoring this project.

Sophie couldn't even hear the sirens and the shouts of guards. The only thing she could hear was her uneven breaths and a ringing in her ear, even when the doors exploded open.

Alexios shuffled towards the Pythia, Mansi and Alvar apprehensively behind him

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Alexios shuffled towards the Pythia, Mansi and Alvar apprehensively behind him. He just stopped before her and coughed a bit, looking around awkwardly. The Pythia lifted an eyebrow, her raised hands faltering.

"You're supposed to bow before the messenger of the gods, boy." She snapped. Alexios fought back the rolling of his eyes, kneeling down on two knees while keeping his head down.

He could feel the Pythia smirk as she resumed her holy spiel.

"Now, what is your offering?" She proclaimed. Alexios stiffened. An offering? Most people offered a lamb, flowers, incense, or the boon of the crops. He glanced behind him to Alvar and Mansi, who were also on their knees.

"An offering?" He begged.

Mansi shrugged, "I have a stick of gum in my pocket?" Alexios turned to Alvar, "Uh..." The elf rummaged through his pockets, procuring a single gold piece, his grocery list, and a small elven brooch made of silver no bigger than his fingernail.

Alexios turned back to the Pythia, awkwardly coughing, "Isn't our stellar company plenty enough of an offering?"

But the Pythia wasn't listening to him. Her eyes were on Alvar's elven pin.

A Guild of Moonlit Shadows (A KOTLC FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now