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Konohakagure No Sato

Nobody's PoV

Konoha, a beautiful village. The sun was shining bright and a gentle breeze stirred the leaves. The citizens were doing their own chores.

Suddenly, two figures were seen in the horizon. A man with raven haired man was approaching Konoha with another man with white spiky hair.

The raven haired man was wearing a black jacket and black pants. He had a sword on his waist and a backpack on his back. He was still affected by the death of his best friend, a certain blonde. As he walked, he let the breeze to cool down. His name was Sasuke Uchiha

Sasuke's PoV

"Those who break the rules are trash but those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum"

There were the words I didn't use to follow by. But after the death of Naruto, my views on these words along with my personality changed completely. I have just come to Konoha after the training period with Jiraya and I had no idea what the life has in store for me nor do I choose to bear. My name is Uchiha Sasuke and I am a ninja from Konoha.

"Oi, are you even aware that we reached Konoha?" A voice said from behind.

"Oops, thank you for reminding it, ero-sennin.'' Usually he would have flinched when I called that. But, the death of Naruto was still fresh in his memory. So he asked me to refer him as ero sennin in the memory of his dead student aka Naruto.

Amegakure no Sato

Nobody's PoV

Amekagure, an industrialized village. The sky was filled with black clouds and it was raining as it should. There are no people in Amekagure excluding the Akatsuki.

Suddenly, a lone figure with a long blonde hair wearing a black mask and a black cloak adorned with red clouds appeared on the rooftop of the Amekage's office (A/N: There is no record of what the leader of Amekagure is called in narutopedia. So, I presumed that the leader is called amekage.)

Naruto's/Silent Blonde PoV

Those who break the rules are trash but those who break the rules are worse than scum." These were the words from my sensei. I was a young and naive then. Didn't know what the future had store in for me. Nor did I choose to bear. My name was Naruto Uzumaki of Konoha. 

But now, here I am in the dark side. I realised how naive I was then. Now, I am aware of what will happen in the future as I have already calculated. My name is Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze aka Silent Blonde of the Akatsuki. I am a light in the darkness.

Now we were supposed to hunt for Ninjas with Kekkei Genkai instead of Jinchchurikis

"Ah! Uzumkai Naruto, I presume that you learnt the seals successfully."

"Hai Pain Sama."

"Well, Naruto. You had been out of ame for two years so why don't you take a rest for 2 weeks?" I nodded "Alright. Dismissed."

As I left, a small smile appeared on my lips. I only have to let the future in its own hands until the time comes when I must intervene.

I was really happy to be in the akatsuki, even though I didn't show it. But in the meantime, I will be the main cause for the destruction of this evil organization.

I sighed and shook out the thoughts out of my head. I thought for sometime whom to spare and whom to not spare besides Itachi and Obito.

Suddenly a certain blonde man who looks like a woman appeared and said "Ah. Naruto, so you are back from Uzushiokagure. How was your seal training?"

"Well Deidara, it went fine. I learnt about kenjutsu and all the seals that the uzumaki are experts in."

"Well done, Naruto."

"Anyways, I have to go. It was nice meeting you again." I said as I extended my hands for handshake. He did the same and said "Yeah, Naruto."

I then went to Konoha apartment and knocked on the door

"Coming." A voice said as the door opened revealing Itachi ni-san. "Welcome Ototu." He greeted me warmly.

As I entered, he gave me a hug and said "I missed you ototu."

Now, I wasn't adjusted to hugs since I wasn't in amekagure, so I stiffened a bit but relaxed when I found it to be comforting.

"Me too ni-saan." I said as I returned the hug.

"Oi! You are missing me." A voice complained.

"Ah yes! Sorry Tobi."

"That's ok, Naruto."

Suddenly White Zetsu came out of the ground and said "Naruto Uzumaki, nice to meet you.'' I nodded as he continued "I have some interesting information. Sasuke has also returned to Konoha."

"Well that's great."

He then sank into the ground and left.

Itachi's PoV

"Excellent news, Naruto."


Soon Obito got bored and so he tried to have some conversation but nothing came out so he said "Alright, Pain Sama is likely to call us soon for another mission. So, why don't you rest for a while?" But no answer. "Oi! I asked you something you idi-" He turned and saw Naruto was already sleeping soundly calling out Hinata's name. We all sweat dropped.

I took out my video camera and started recording him calling out Hinata.

Konan would be so mad at him as she is an overprotective sister figure to Naruto. I couldn't help but chuckle at myself. But, the question is, who is Hinata?

Edit: I just noticed that I wrote the sharingan part. So, I had to remove it. According to me, Naruto would be op since he has crystal style. But I cannot even imagine Sasuke beating him if he has sharingan. So I had to remove this part. So sorry.

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