Introduction and Trigger Warnings;

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Bonjour :)

This story takes place 9 years after the battle of Hogwarts. Although Voldemort won the Battle that day, the war rages on and everyone is much changed since their days at Hogwarts.

Hermione is the most lethal soldier in The Order, spending her days on rescue missions to free captured Muggleborn slaves, formulate battle plans, and gather intelligence on Voldemort. For years, she's been meeting in secret with a spy within Voldemort's ranks to exchange information.

But, when she's captured and made prisoner at Malfoy Manor,  of all the dark and evil ways she'd envisioned Malfoy would torture her, she never quite imagined anything this horrific.

Trigger warnings;

Like my other fic, this book will touch on extremely mature subjects, and has a very dark and disturbing war theme, which will be explored from the very beginning.

This book will include; murder, blood, death, graphic sexual scenes, alcohol dependency, rape, drugs, suicide, mental health, graphic depictions of torture, bodily harm - and MAIN CHARACTER DEATH.

This FanFiction is strictly for people who are 18+, due to all of the aspects which are all key plot points. Please do not attempt to read this if you are under the age of 18, or find any of the above tags triggering in anyway.

Inspiration and Credit;

I just wanted to make it abundantly clear that I was originally inspired to write this fic after I read the masterpiece that is Manacled, so I would like to thank SenLinYu  for her amazing work.

The memory searching aspect of  Manacled is what inspired me, and although I have adapted that, (and also made Draco head Death Eater, because... ya know... we all love it when he's Voldemort's right hand man 😅😉), Secrets and Masks will be a very very different fic all together.

Again, thank you all so much for reading the story so far. I plan on it being like 80+ chapters long, so I hope you're all ready 😅

Love you all xxxx

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