
"Pretty please!"

"Still no" I sternly replied licking my spoon.

"Your the best sister in the universe." He mumbled

"Ugh! Fine, just you two stop acting like five years old babies for fuck sake. And you owe me." I finally give up and them some of my famous and delicious may I add açaí bowl.

The fifteen minutes of my life that I spent preparing the food were wasted in three minutes when they inhaled the food like motherfucking elephants.

"Dear fucking Lord, sissy that was delicious." Moans Matteo

"Yeah, it's like have an in your mouth. But sweeter." Alex agreed

"You are definitely gonna make us some every week"Matteo suggested demandingly

"Yep. I'm ready to pay you." Ale said seriously.

I just laugh at them and continued my breakfast. Weird guys.

After finishing my food, I went to my room and grabbed my painting utilities. I had been gazing at the orchids for a few days now and I decided to pain them and place the canvas in my room as a reminder of my mother.

I sat outside on the grass and contemplate the view trying to draw it before starting to paint.

"It's beautiful. You are so talented. I had no idea that you could paint."A voice interrupted me.

I was already half done with the painting and I haven't noticed the time passing. I should manage my time better.

"Thank you. And yes, I do paint occasionally." I replied

"You are painting the orchids. Your Mama's favorite." He smiled softly at the half-done painting.

"Yes, you can have it. You know, the painting. I mean if you want." I rambled nervously. I didn't even know why I offered it to him. I was planning on hanging it in my room. But I like the idea of Enzo having it.

"Of course," He chuckled at my anxiousness "I would love nothing more. Thank you."

"You are welcome"

"I was coming to call you for dinner. It's ready." He informed me "You should probably leave your painting here. Your brothers are clumsy, I can't guarantee that they won't ruin it accidentally."

I nodded placing my canvas in a safe place before getting up and following him to the dining room where everyone was already seated. I took my seat next to Ale. And began cutting my steak as I was extremely hungry. Probably because I unintentionally missed lunch.

"Principessa, I have some news." Enzo cleared his throat "Your grandparents, uncles, and their families will be coming to see you in two weeks. I told them they should wait for a bit more and it overwhelms you but they are too excited." He announced, sipping from his red wine.

"Okay, that's cool. And how many cousins do we have." I asked casually as I fit an entire small-backed potato in my mouth.

"We have nine cousins. Male cousins. All of them" Leo replied, trying to hide his amusement when I was practically shocking on motherfucking delicious potato.

I stared at them with wide eyes. That's just fucking great. Absolutely formidable. Just what I needed. Nine more cousins who will try me like a fragile little sister they need to protect. Amazing.

They chuckled at my reaction, obviously amused by my shock and lack of enthusiasm. We continued dinner, occasionally chit-chatting about my future school. The one I will attend soon.

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